Events and Invitations


29 Nov
Inter-University Youth Scientific Conference “GREEN 2021 – Graduate Research in Еcology, Еngineering and Nature 2021”
The purpose of the event is to stimulate students to research activities in the field of ecology and environmental management, to provide novice researchers with the opportunity to discuss the results of their scientific work among qualified specialists, to exchange and generalize the accumulated experience, to discuss prospects for development and cooperation in this area.
19 Nov
Seminar for foreign students on admission to master's and postgraduate studies
Purpose of seminar: the purpose of the event is to familiarize foreign graduate students with the procedure for admission to master's and postgraduate study programs to continue their education at RUDN University, as well as with the main educational programs.
19 - 20 Nov
All-Russian Student Conference with international participation "Geoecology: Theory and practice"
The purpose of the event is to stimulate students to research activities in the field of geoecology and environmental management, to provide novice researchers with the opportunity to discuss the results of their scientific work among qualified specialists, to exchange and generalize the accumulated experience of conducting field training and research and production practices, to discuss prospects for development and cooperation in this area.