Events and Invitations


27 Nov
Seminar “Language aspects of integration and self-identification in the modern world”
The purpose of the event: The scientific seminar is dedicated to improving the quality of teaching foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new challenges posed to humanitarian education; expanding active contacts with scientists and teachers of foreign languages and humanities from leading universities, raising the status of foreign languages and humanities, developing the academic reputation of the RUDN University named after Patrice Lumumba and the incoming mobility of leading scientists.
16 Nov
Conference “Language and cultures: prospects for development in the 21st century”
The international conference arranged for students and teachers of foreign languages will contribute to improving the quality of learning foreign languages and cultures in accordance with the new requirements for education in Social Sciences and Humanities. Globalization process brings about the necessity of changing methods of foreign languages teaching, rethinking global values, methodological basis and the results of linguistic education.
15 Nov
Conference “Expanding Boundaries”
The conference is for young scientists working on their thesis research, using a variety of traditional and innovative scientific methods, passionate about science and open to new approaches and ideas.
Direction: Science
Event format: Сonference
8 Nov
Seminar “Speakers' perspectives on spelling changes in four post-Yugoslav countries (1991-2017): Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia”
Since the beginning of mass education, standard languages have been undergoing spelling reforms/changes that produce controversies to a lesser or greater extent. Attempts by governments or other authoritative bodies to change the official spelling rules often encounter resistance.