Events and Invitations


24 Dec
Scientific seminar "Peculiarities of water migration of iodine and selenium in geochemical contrasting landscapes of Bryansk region"
Geochemistry and biogeochemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the leading scientific institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, which specializes in geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and qualitative and quantitative composition of terrestrial and extraterrestrial matter. Ludmila Kolmykova, the graduate of the ecological department of the PFUR, will share her experience in job search, tell about the structure of GEOKhI RAS, and give recommendations for getting a job in scientific organizations.
24 Dec
Scientific seminar "Distribution of Cs-137 in mosses and soils of geochemically contiguous landscapes"
GEOKhI RAS is a leading scientific institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, specializing in geochemistry, biogeochemistry, and qualitative and quantitative composition of terrestrial and extraterrestrial matter. The graduate of the Ecology Department of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Denis Dolgushin will tell about the laboratory of biogeochemistry of environment and give advice to the students on how to combine work and studies.
24 Dec
Academic workshop “Toxicants in the Urban Environment”
During the seminar, speakers will consider the problems of identification, modeling and elimination of environmental toxicants in the city environment.
22 Dec
Seminar “Emotional intelligence as a driving force in the study of foreign languages in higher education”
The purpose of the event is to demonstrate the study of the relationship between the level of development of a teacher’s emotional intelligence (a tutor / lecturer of a foreign language at the university) and the success of mastering a foreign language by students of linguistic and non-linguistic specialties in a higher educational institution.
18 Dec
Round table "Catholic Christmas and New Year in the countries of the studied language"
The holiday of New Year and Christmas is widely celebrated in Great Britain. Lost traditions are revived and accepted from other countries. As a country of study, Great Britain is of particular interest to students in this regard. The purpose of the event is to increase students' knowledge about the country of the studied language, the formation of socio-cultural and linguocountry competence.
7 Dec
Webinar "Environmental problems of the area of Lake Baikal"
The webinar will be conducted by Vasily Borisovich Rozanov, representative of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, specialist of the department of regulatory and legal and organizational support of the federal project "Conservation of Lake Baikal" in the Moscow branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "UralNII Ecology".
6 Dec
World Soil Day
World Soil Day is held annually on December 5, starting in 2013, on the recommendation of the International Soil Science Society. It is celebrated in 177 countries around the world. Soil is a living resource that accounts for over 25% of our planet's biodiversity. Up to 90% of living organisms live or spend part of their life cycle in soil. Soil microorganisms can fight some contaminants.
4 Dec
Global No Pesticides Use Day
Every year, the Global No Pesticides Use Day is celebrated on December 3. This day was chosen to commemorate the environmental disaster that occurred on December 3, 1984 at a pesticide plant in Bhopal, India.
3 Dec
Academic workshop “Renewable energy in Russia: prospects and challenges”
During the seminar, speakers will make reports on the current state of the problem of renewable energy sources in Russia and discuss with the event moderator the prospects for introducing the best world practices in the field of renewable energy in the Russian Federation.