Events and Invitations


20 Dec
Seminar “The pragmatic and semantic basis of the thematic cluster “Education” in modern English-language media discourse”
The interdepartmental scientific seminar “The pragmatic and semantic basis of the thematic cluster “Education” in modern English-language media discourse” is aimed at introducing participants to the presentation of issues related to the educational sphere addressed in the English-language media and the Internet.
11 Dec
Master class “First steps in science”
The career of a teacher has always been considered prestigious and honorable. What qualities and competencies should a teacher have? At the lecture, we will talk about the necessary competencies for working with electronic databases, registers of unique identifiers of researchers, forms of virtual scientific communication, analytical tools for presenting the results of scientific activity and choosing a journal for their publication and personal publication strategy.
4 Dec
Modern Environmental Studies: case study of Ecuador and Russia
The meeting was initiated with the aim of establishing academic links between students for the further joint projects implementation. Event participants will have a unique opportunity to exchange information about projects in the field of environmental protection and sustainable resources use.
1 Dec
Conference “GREEN2023 — Student Research in Ecology, Engineering and Nature”
The Youth Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation “GREEN2023 — Student Research in Ecology, Engineering and Nature 2023” (in foreign languages) aims to engage students, postgraduates and young scientists in addressing theoretical and practical issues of contemporary ecology and its related disciplines.