Events and Invitations
Seminar “Emotional intelligence as a driving force in the study of foreign languages in higher education”
The purpose of the event is to demonstrate the study of the relationship between the level of development of a teacher’s emotional intelligence (a tutor / lecturer of a foreign language at the university) and the success of mastering a foreign language by students of linguistic and non-linguistic specialties in a higher educational institution.
Round table "Catholic Christmas and New Year in the countries of the studied language"
The holiday of New Year and Christmas is widely celebrated in Great Britain. Lost traditions are revived and accepted from other countries. As a country of study, Great Britain is of particular interest to students in this regard. The purpose of the event is to increase students' knowledge about the country of the studied language, the formation of socio-cultural and linguocountry competence.
Scientific-methodological workshop "Intercultural connections and teaching foreign languages for different purposes. How ancient and modern languages can help us in our daily need of social communication"
The Commission on Foreign Languages of the RUDN University is holding an interdepartmental scientific and methodological seminar with an external speaker at the Department of Foreign Languages, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at Peoples' Friendship University of Russia. The speaker is: Ph.D., Alexandre André Louis Solcà (Switzerland, Lausanne Institute, an independent researcher) with the report in the French language "Intercultural connections and teaching foreign languages for different purposes. How ancient and modern languages can help us in our daily need of social communication".