International scientific and practical conference "Globalization and Public Law"

International scientific and practical conference "Globalization and Public Law"

The event passed
27 Oct 2017
About the event

International scientific and practical conference "Globalization and Public Law" has been held annually since 2013.

The conference includes the following fields of study: administrative law, administrative process, financial law, tax law, banking law, information law in the light of globalization processes.

The goals and objectives of the conference are: consolidation of the research potential of leading Russian and foreign lawyers in the sphere of administrative law and process, financial and tax law, banking and information law, discussion and settlement of methods and ways of  legal regulation.

Topics of the event:

  • administrative process;
  • financial law;
  • banking law;
  • information law in the light of globalization processes.

Terms of participation in the event:

presentation / attendance

Outcomes of the event:

a collection of scientific publications.

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