IV International conference «Functional aspects of intercultural communication and translation challenges»

IV International conference «Functional aspects of intercultural communication and translation challenges»

The event passed
21 Nov 2017
Direction: Science
About the event

21 November, 2017, RUDN IFL hosts IV International conference «Functional aspects of intercultural communication and translation challenges» aimed at reflecting the diversity of functional aspects of intercultural communication under conditions of integration of the world in one educational process.

In 2017, the meeting is a joint project of RUDN IFL and its partner – the Catholic University of Lille (France) and Carthage University (Tunisia). The conference will be organized with the support of the RAS Gorky Institute of world literature, RAE Institute of education development strategy and the International Foundation of arts n.a.S.Erzi.

Traditionally the conference will unite researchers from Europe, SIS, Latin America, Africa and Asia.

The forum is dated to the 20th anniversary if RUDN IFL.

Contact: S.Sharonova, DSc, Deputy Director of IFK for research.

Tel: +7 (495) 434-71-60, ext. 2438.





Organizing committee mailing address:

117198, Moscow, 7, Miklukho-Maklaya. Room 558.

RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages (IFL) 

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