Lecture of the invited scientist for students, masters, postgraduate students and staff of the Faculty of Science

Lecture of the invited scientist for students, masters, postgraduate students and staff of the Faculty of Science

The event passed
22 May 2018
Direction: Science
About the event

Dmitri Gelman - Associate Professor Department of inorganic and organometallic chemistry, Institute of chemistry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, author of more than 50 works and 3 patents in the area of catalysis, organic and green chemistry; Head of the School of Chemistry

The theme of the lecture: «Coordination chemistry and catalysis using three-dimensional bifunctional ligands»

The group of Professor Gelman is developing of novel catalytic systems for dehydrogenation of formic acid/hydrogenation of carbon dioxide and in the development of new generic transformations involving structural modification of functionalized hydrocarbon substrates using formic acid as a source of H2 and CO2. This goal was motivated by the economic and ecological sustainability of formic acid, as well as by importance of fundamental understanding of carbon dioxide interactions with transition metal catalysts. In particular, the catalysts focused in this proposal belong to the family of 3-D bifunctional PC(sp3)P pincer complexes developed in group in the recent years.

Place: Audience 102, st. Ordzhonikidze, 3, building of the Faculty of Science

Time: 11.00


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