Master class "About the double master's program "Russia - the Middle East: the main areas of cooperation and interaction"

Master class "About the double master's program "Russia - the Middle East: the main areas of cooperation and interaction"

The event passed
23 Jun 2022
Moscow Miklukho-Maklaya str. 10/2
Contact person
Lukyanova Galina Olegovna
About the event

23 June at 10:00 MSK

A master class in Arabic will be held at the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia on the topic “About the double master’s program” Russia — the Middle East: the main areas of cooperation and interaction ". Speaker — Georges Aoun, professor at the Lebanese University, curator of the double master’s program “Russia — the Middle East: the main areas of cooperation and interaction.” During the master class, Georges Aoun will inform students about the study of the Arabic language in Russia, and also talk about the features of the double master’s program “Russia — the Middle East: the main areas of cooperation and interaction” and about the possibilities of expanding the teaching of the Arabic language.

The purpose of the meeting: to familiarize students with the features of the double master’s program of the Lebanese University and the RUDN University.

Meeting objectives:

  1. Inform the participants of the meeting about the existing language contacts between Russia and Lebanon.
  2. To acquaint with the situation in the field of studying the Arabic language in Russia and the Russian language in Lebanon.
  3. Answer students’ questions.

The meeting will be attended by students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, which study Arabic and teachers.

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