"The University has reached the level of sustainable development after explosive growth according to scientific and educational criteria," - Hans de Wit, Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College

"The University has reached the level of sustainable development after explosive growth according to scientific and educational criteria," - Hans de Wit, Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College

April 19, a videoconference of the International Expert Council (IEC) of RUDN University was held with the participation of IEC members - prominent figures in the field of science and education, as well as the top management of the university. The topic of the meeting is the results of RUDN University on the implementation of 5-100 Competitiveness Program in 2018 and a discussion of the university's further development strategies. Experts noted overfulfillment of the Program’s key indicators by 20–30%, emphasizing the inclusion of RUDN University in various subject ratings.

IEC members praised the progress made.

“The success of RUDN University indicates that the university has reached the level of sustainable development after explosive growth according to scientific and educational criteria. It is very important to continue to progress on all criteria and not to forget about both technical and humanitarian directions of development,”- said Hans de Wit, Director of the Center for International Higher Education at Boston College.

The President of the International Observatory on Academic Ranking and Excellence, IREG, Jan Sadlak, supported his colleague's position and paid special attention to the effectiveness of the Program and to the significance of the university’s desire to develop the chosen growth area.

Anatoly Ryzhkov, Deputy Director of the Institute of Innovative Engineering Technologies, presented a report on the results of work at 9 IIET laboratories. He spoke about the development of an algorithm for industrial restoration of large parts with the help of 3D printing, the installation of detailed and non-invasive seismic and electrical exploration of the upper part of the earth's crust section (10-400 meters from the surface) and biocompatible nanofilms for implants to ensure their better survival and targeted drug delivery. Anatoly Ryzhkov shared the plans for the development of laboratories for 2019 and noted that the specialists of RUDN University were preparing to introduce a neural network capable of recognizing objects in real-time into the autonomous video surveillance system.

The next meeting of the IEC will be held at the University in full-time format in September. The topic of discussion will be the concept of strategic development of RUDN University until 2025.

Tags: education science