About RUDN
25 Oct 2016
IHBiT students meeting Anula Galewska, international tourist expert

October 25,  IHBiT hosts Anula Galewska, a Russian-speaking international expert in the field of responsible and sustainable tourism. Anula Galewska is general director and founder of, a platform for people interested in responsible tourism

Before Anula Galewska was an  auditor of Green Globe и Travelife certifying programs, and helped tourist companies in Eastern European countries develop corporate social responsibility.

Natalia Dronova, founder and executive director of Responsible Tourism International Center will take part in the meeting.

Where: IHBiT, 10/2, Miklukho-Maklaya, Room 714.

When: 1.30 pm.

About RUDN
25 Oct 2016
Tutorial scientific workshop “The anesthetization during outpatient visit”

The session of the research workshop «The anesthetization during outpatient visit» will be held on the 25th of October at the chair of propaedeutics  (RUDN Agrarian-technological Institute) at 9:30 a.m. Lecturer - Yuri Vasiliev, PhD (Medical sciences).

Contact person: Yuri Vasiliev

Tel: +7(495)787-38-03, ex. 1738

Where: room 252, 8/2, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia

About RUDN
24 Oct 2016
Workshop "The precosity of mammals"

The workshop "The precosity of mammals" will be held on the 24th of October at 12:00.
Lecturer - Elena Lavrentieva 
Subject: The dynamics of germinal vesicle and nucleolus in preovulatory ovocytes of a mouse.
On the ground of a common configuration of chromatin, preovulatory (GV) ovocytes of mammals are divided into two main types (NSN and SN). It’s generally thought that a mouse's SN-ovocytes are more competent because they alone can get embryos, can invitro develop to blastocyte. The location of a germinal vesicle and nucleoloid bodies is another measure of the ovocytes' competence over the ripening. For the moment, the connection between the location of a germinal vesicle and the configuration of chromatin with the  mouse ovocytes' capacity over the ripening is the one of the key issues of embryology, which is caused by the necessity of improvement of reproductive technologies. Laws of   behaviour of predecessors of germinal vesicles and nucleoles in the ovogenesis and in the embryogenesis will be examined in the lecture.
Where : Room 636, 10/2, Miklukho-Maklaya street, Moscow, 117198, Russia

About RUDN
24 Oct 2016
XIX World Youth and Student Festival 2017. RUDN students started countdown

October 15, 2016, more than 100 RUDN students took part in the festive ceremony of starting countdown to XIX World Youth and Student Festival 2017 among 200,000 students of Moscow and Moscow region.

About RUDN
21 Oct 2016
Autumn finals of UMNIK 2016. Projects of RUDN University authors are recommended for funding

On 3-5 October 2016, was the finals of the competition "Moscow Youth Start - 2016" of the UMNIK program (Autumn finals).

About RUDN
21 Oct 2016
Building a happy and functional family

October 21, at 3:30, RUDN IFL hosts a seminar “Topical issues of social pedagogy, psychology and social management”. Senior lecturer I.Kovalenko delivers a report “Building a happy and functional family. Psychologicalfamilycounselingincrisissituations”. Topics for discussion: love as a basis of family relations, traditional and alternative families, modern family crisis etc.


Contact person: Alexandra Vorobyova

Tel: +7 (495) 434-71-60



WHERE: RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages, 7, bld.4, Miklukho-Maklaya str.,  Moscow.

About RUDN
21 Oct 2016
VI International Youth Social and Economic Innovation Forum

October 21, RUDN  hosts VI International Youth Social and Economic Innovation Forum - an international knowledge exchange platform on key priorities of youth policy. The project will bring together talented energetic young people to resolve social, economic, moral and ethical issues.

The program of the event comprises conferences, master classes, trainings and roundtable discussions on relevant topics.

The Forum focuses on several areas:
– Entrepreneurship
– NGOs and Volunteering
– Integration of regions
– Technological Entrepreneurship in HEIs

– Student building teams


The aim of the Forum is to establish a mechanism to identify and promote young people and to use the results of its innovation activities in social and economic development.

The work of the forum is focused on the following challenges:

– Support and promotion of initiatives and beginnings of youth people in socio-economic, scientific and industrial spheres and in the sphere of scientific technologies;

– Support and development of youth voluntary initiatives, volunteerism perspectives determination ;

– Creation of conditions for presenting, discussing, estimating and promoting  important and useful for society and innovative ideas and projects of the talented youth.

– Development of the youth business activity, formation of skills for the elaboration of innovative products and methods of the market acquisition.

Public authorities, creators and participants of the volunteer organization, young entrepreneurs, chief executive officers of the companies realizing innovative projects, students and representatives of the youth organizations of Moscow and other regions and countries will participate.


Where: 10/2, Miklukho-Maklaya str., Moscow, 117198, Russia

Tel.: + 7 (499) 940 -46-01, +7 (903) 203 44 53

About RUDN
20 Oct 2016
International conference “Modern migration processes: key challenges and solutions”

October 20-21, 2016, RUDN hosts International conference “Modern migration processes: key challenges and solutions”.

Where: RUDN main building, 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str. Plenarymeetingstartsat10.00 am.

Participants will discuss topical issues of current politics concerning different ethical groups of migrants, interethnic relations; work out key approaches to controlling and minimizing migration risks and exchange experience in managing migration flows.

About RUDN
20 Oct 2016
Student Youth Games «To the Olympic tops!» in Vitebsk and third place of RUDN University women volleyball team

Student Youth Games «To the Olympic tops!» was held in early October in Vitebsk (Belarus). 250 students from different regions of Russia and Belarus met at competitions in basketball (3x3), volleyball and table tennis.

About RUDN
19 Oct 2016
10 semesters with excellent grades! RUDN University held the XLI Meeting of excellent students. The treasured keys to Lada Vesta got a student of Philological Faculty

Every year, the smartest of the smartest gather in the auditorium of the main RUDN University building.

About RUDN
18 Oct 2016
Cooperation with Guyana on top-priority directions

Rafael Trotman, minister for natural resources, and David Paterson, minister for public infrastructure from Guyana arrived at RUDN on October 18.

The agenda of the meeting included the following issues:

About RUDN
18 Oct 2016
Formula Student RUDN University team took first place in the fight against the strongest opponents. On 9 October, The World of Motorsport Festival was held

On 9 October, The World of Motorsport Festival was held in the Park of Legends. The Formula Student RUDN University team took the honorable first place.