About RUDN
02 Oct 2014
Grand opening of the 53rd RUDN University Student Games

Grand opening of the 53rd RUDN University Student Games. September 28, the Grand opening of the 53-rd RUDN University Student Games and University athletics championship among faculties took place in sports and recreation centre of RUDN University.

About RUDN
02 Oct 2014
KVN Higher League Semi-final

KVN Higher League Semi-final October 3, RUDN University international KVN team will take part in the TV recording of KVN Higher League semi-final in The Central Academic theatre of the Russian Army at 7 p.m.

About RUDN
02 Oct 2014
Master class “I am director. How to run an advertising agency”

Master class “I am director. How to run an advertising agency” September 20, Ovik Armikovich Sarkisyan, DSc (Engineering), associate professor of the Department of Adevrtizing and PR department and director of the advertising agency “New Tone” gave a master class “I am director. How to run an advert

About RUDN
02 Oct 2014
Meeting of the student scientific circle of the lovers of the French language and literature

Meeting of the student scientific circle of the lovers of the French language and literature October 9, IFL Department of the theory and practice of foreign languages will hоld a regular meeting of the student scientific circle of the lovers of the French language and literature on the topic "Modern

About RUDN
02 Oct 2014
The International Teacher's day in the Institute of Foreign Languages

The International Teacher's day in the Institute of Foreign Languages October 3, a concert, devoted to the International Teacher's day, will be held in the RUDN University Institute of Foreign Languages. Where: 6, Miklukho-Maklaya str.. Main Building. When: 4.00 p.m. Contact person: O.Sukhomlyn, IFL

About RUDN
02 Oct 2014
The roundtable discussion “The first world war and the formation of the Versailles-Washington system of international relations”

The roundtable discussion “The first world war and the formation of the Versailles-Washington system of international relations”. October 8, 12.30 a.m. the roundtable discussion “The first world war and the formation of the Versailles-Washington system of international relations” will take place at

About RUDN
01 Oct 2014
International Interpreter’s Day at the Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN University

International Interpreter’s Day at the Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN University September 30, a series of meetings dedicated to the professional holiday - the International Interpreter’s Day was held at the Department of the theory and practice of foreign languages of the Institute of Forei

About RUDN
01 Oct 2014
Publication of the tutoria

Publication of the tutorial – Workshop on agriculture by V.D .Nagorniy The tutorial – Workshop on agriculture is published. The author is Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, professor of Department of Soil Science, Agriculture and Land Cadastre of Agricultural Faculty of RUDN University –V.D. Nagorniy.

About RUDN
01 Oct 2014
Student scientific-practical conference "Innovations in psycho-pedagogical education"

Student scientific-practical conference "Innovations in psycho-pedagogical education" September 22, the IFL department of social pedagogy held a student scientific-practical conference "Innovations in psycho-pedagogical education" anticipating the practice for the students of specialty "Social Pedag

About RUDN
01 Oct 2014
The meeting with Igor Andrushkevich

The meeting with Igor Andrushkevich (Argentina), public figure, publicist, chairman of the Russian Cadet Corps Union in Argentina. September 30, Within the framework of the International scientific conference “Slepukhin’s readings – 2014” the faculty of Humanitarian and social sciences Department of

About RUDN
01 Oct 2014
The V All-Russian students' Dentistry Olympiad

The V All-Russian students' Dentistry Olympiad October 2-3, The V All-Russian students' Dentistry Olympiad will be held in Volgograd. A student's team of RUDN University Medical Institute, who will take part in the Olympiad, was coached by the professors of the Department of therapeutic dentistry.

About RUDN
01 Oct 2014
The X Anniversary International Congress VDW GmbH on Endodontia

The X Anniversary International Congress VDW GmbH on Endodontia October 2, X Anniversary International Congress VDW GmbH on Endodontia will be held at the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences at 9.00 o'clock. The professors of the Department of therapeutic dentistry (