RUDN confirms high quality of educational activities conditions and receives a certificate of the Independent Quality Assessment

RUDN confirms high quality of educational activities conditions and receives a certificate of the Independent Quality Assessment

In 2023, the Public Council of the Russian Ministry of Education and Science conducted an independent assessment of the quality of conditions for educational activities. More than 300 universities and branches provided information on the quality of education.

RUDN results based on monitoring and data analysis:

  • 97.90% — satisfaction with educational activities;
  • 97.80% — friendliness and politeness of employees;
  • 98.00% — comfortable conditions for educational activities;
  • 98.48% — openness and accessibility of information.

RUDN University activities audit was carried out in 3 stages:

  1. Online survey of students (more than 1,200 RUDN University students took part);
  2. Analysis of information posted on the official website and information stands of RUDN University and the branch in Sochi;
  3. Visits of specialists from the federal operator to the territory of the university and the Sochi branch to inspect educational buildings and dormitories.

The Sochi Institute (branch) of RUDN University received the following assessment from the Commission:

  • 98.90% — satisfaction with educational activities;
  • 98.60% — friendliness and politeness of employees;
  • 98.00% — comfortable conditions for educational activities;
  • 98.97% — openness and accessibility of information.

Data on the quality of educational activities organization collected and summarized by the federal operator “Verkont Service”, appointed by the Public Council of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia.

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