«Spain in the heart of Africa. Notes of a doctor»

«Spain in the heart of Africa. Notes of a doctor»

October 19, Peoples’ Friendship University hosted a presentation of the book of Equatorial Guinea president's adviser on health care Justino Obama «Spain in the heart of Africa. Notes of a doctor». 

October 19, Peoples’ Friendship University hosted a presentation of the book of Equatorial Guinea president's adviser on health care Justino Obama «Spain in the heart of Africa. Notes of a doctor». Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, Mr. Jose Esono Micha Akeng thanked the Peoples’ Friendship University for its assistance in holding the event and underlined the main idea of the book: "Spain - a country that used to be our colonizer in the past, but this should not hinder the development of our friendly relations today. "

Alexander Gladush, RUDN Vice-Rector shared his impressions from reading the book. Alexander Gladush emphasized the great responsibility of RUDN students: "Each of us has the same problems, and each of us is similar to each other, each of us is the ambassador of his country. People judge our country basing their opinion on us."  Then the word was given to journalist H. Wachter, who helped Dr. Justino. He noted that people consider the book "Spain in the heart of Africa" as a textbook - this book is a must-read for all those people who are really interested in Africa, its up-to-day history, politicy and international relations. The reader can feel the Equatorial Guinean of that period, as the author vividly and clearly - only in 200 pages - was able to convey the spirit and mood of that time.

Jose Maria Esono Micha Akeng said that this book could suit the ideas of each person. It includes strange funny situations and at the same time important historical facts. Reading this book you could go through the life journey of the main character together with the author. The reader could look at his growth from a little boy to a counsellor on health issues. Doctor Justino is amazed by the fact that the Guinean are not aware of what rivers they have, but they know word-by-word the Spanish hymn. They have almost borrowed the whole Spanish culture, but the author doesn’t feel against this. Justino Obama Nve is a patriot, but he also feels respect for Spain, as it has helped Equatorial Guinea very much. The author is worried about how the relationships between these countries will be developing and hopes that his book will contribute to the dialogue of cultures.

Doctor Justino was talking not only about his book. As the author of his own book he remembered his studentship and shared his warm memories about Moscow and Volgograd, about the campus of RUDN. Students were interested in Doctor Justino’s attitude to what was happening in the world, in Equatorial Guinea and Spain. During the presentation of the book “Spain in heart of Africa. Notes of a doctor” all visitors had an opportunity to talk informally with the author andget his autograph.

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