Digital Pre-University Faculty

Digital Pre-University Faculty

You can learn Russian before arriving in Moscow, gain knowledge in general subjects in Russian, decide which university to enter, and find out why you should go study in Russia, from anywhere in the world.
RUDN University launches a new project —
"Digital Pre-University Faculty"

Training will begin on September 15, 2020, in a remote mode using digital content. You can choose from an intensive program for a period of 6 months, a standard program - 9 months, a long-term program for up to two years of study. Students who have successfully completed training have the right to apply to RUDN University for Bachelor, Specialist, and Master programs without any additional entrance exams.


International students in Russia take a special training course before starting the main educational program. They study the Russian language and the basic subjects necessary for the chosen profession. Traditionally, students took this course on campus at the Faculty of the Russian Language and General Disciplines. After studying at this faculty, foreigners can study in Russia on a par with Russian citizens.

In September 2020, RUDN University begins teaching foreign citizens the Russian language and general subjects in distance (online) mode. Future international students will be able to learn Russian remotely and gain knowledge in general subjects even before arriving in Moscow.


  1. Each student gets an individual educational trajectory (curriculum).
  2. The program provides for different types of contact work with teachers: webinars in the format of video conferences, individual conversational workshops with native speakers.
  3. Throughout the entire educational process, each student is assisted by a tutor who monitors his/her progress, advises and provides technical and organizational support.
  4. The basic program consists of 9 modules: 4 - in Russian, 3 - in general subjects (chosen from 8, depending on the major), and a module on the scientific style of speech in the chosen specialty.
  5. Each program includes a cultural module with information about Russia, Moscow and RUDN University.
  6. After completing each module, students do tests and exams. If the student passes he/she receives an academic certificate, which indicates the mastered subjects and the number of academic hours.
  7. Upon successful completion of the basic program, the student receives a RUDN University certificate and is enrolled at RUDN University without additional entrance tests, has the pre-emptive right to enter RUDN University on a contract basis and the right to a 10% discount for the tuition (undergraduate and graduate programs).
  8. The educational process begins with an introductory phonetic course. Students independently study texts, audio and video materials on their personal page. For example, with the help of simulators you can master correct pronunciation of sounds, learn to write online and type on the Cyrillic keyboard.
  9. Vocabulary is introduced using colorful illustrations and voiced, and grammar is introduced using clear examples. The introductory phonetic course has support in English (instructions and rules), so the student will be most comfortable, and visual content with animation will facilitate studying materials, increasing learning motivation.
  10. All online exercises are interactive, and the results are immediately visible thanks to the built-in automatic self-test function.
  11. As soon as students begin to study online, they get video conference classes with teachers in a group of up to 15 people. The class schedule will take into account the time difference. Students can also receive individual consultations with a tutor or teacher, both through a messenger / chat on the platform, or in a video call. In addition, you can train Russian colloquial speech in “live” communication with native speakers during individual video lessons. 
  12. After mastering the module “Russian language. Proficiency A1 (Basic level), the student begins to study three modules in eight general education subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry, history, social studies, biology, literature, computer science), depending on the future specialty and line of study: humanitarian, biomedical, engineering, natural science, economic.
˃10 000
text materials
˃10 000
audio materials
hours of video


You can take a free trial lesson before enrollment. You should fill out the form on A project coordinator of the Faculty will contact you to set the date and time of the lesson. A trial lesson will give you an idea of educational process on the platform and will allow you to dive into the world of studying the Russian language.


Choose a program and modules of interest. Send the application and a scanned copy of your passport to
Receive confirmation of the application acceptance, read the terms of the contract. Get a username and password to enter your account on the training portal and consult with a teacher.
Pay the tuition fee on the website
Start to study!
From 0 to 2,300 Russian words you know
From the first word in Russian to a text of 1,000 words
From the first Russian sound to 20 spontaneous phrases 
From the first Russian letter to 20 easily compiled and written sentences
From 0 to 700 words from the field of future profession
From a strange set of letters to understanding science
From the incomprehensible sounds of Russian speech to understanding lectures in Russian


The student learns:

  • letters of the Russian language, alphabet,
  • vowels and consonants of the Russian language,
  • hard and soft, voiced and deaf consonants,
  • word, syllable, phrase,
  • stress and rhythm in Russian,
  • pronunciation rules, types of intonation constructions,
  • learn more than 100 words of the Russian language,
  • master Cyrillic writing.

The student

  • learns almost800 Russian words

The student will be able

to talk with native speakers:

  • in a shop with shop-assistants and cashiers;
  • in a restaurant or cafe with waiters
  • in the classroom with the teacher and students
  • in transport and in the streets with Russian-speakers
  • in the clinic and pharmacy with doctors and nurses
  • will be able to meet someone and ask the name, introduce themselves or another person, say hello, say goodbye, turn to someone, thank, apologize, respond to thanks and apologies, ask to repeat;
  • ask a question and report on a fact or event, a person, an object, on the presence or absence of a person or object, on the quality, ask and answer questions Whose? When? Why? Where?;
  • express a desire, request, offer, invitation, consent or disagreement, refusal;
  • express attitude: evaluate the person, subject, fact, action.

tell a lot of interesting things:

  • about yourself, your childhood, study, work, hobbies and interests;
  • about your friends and family members;
  • about spending free time.


  • a large text (250-300 words) and understand basic information and notice important semantic details


  • in Russian, a message from 7-10 sentences,


  • on the proposed topic (at least 7 phrases).

The student:

  • learns1,300 Russian words

The student will be able

To talk with native speakers:

  • in the dean’s office, at different offices and departments, etc.);
  • at the post office;
  • at the bank;
  • in the library;
  • in transport;
  • on excursions;
  • by phone.

The student will be able to

  • enter into communication, get to know someone, introduce him/herself or another person, say hello, say goodbye, contact someone, thank, apologize, respond to thanks and apologies, congratulate, ask to repeat, express a wish; - ask a question and report on a fact or event, person, subject, on the presence or absence of a person or subject; about the number of items and their quality; about the action, time, place, reason and purpose of the action or event; express intention, desire, request, wish, advice, offer, invitation, consent or disagreement, refusal, permission or prohibition, promise, uncertainty;

express attitude:

  • evaluate the person, subject, fact, action, event.

talk and discuss important topics:

  1. A story about yourself. Biography: childhood, study, work, interests.
  2. My friend (acquaintance, family member).

  3. The family.

  4. Study, work (place of work, profession).

  5. Learning a foreign language.

  6. My day.

  7. Free time, leisure, interests.

  8. Hometown, capital.

  9. Health.

  10. The weather.

read and understand:

  • text (600-700 words), find basic and additional information,


  • 15-18 sentences on the proposed topic,


  • proposed topic (at least 7 phrases).

The student:

  • will know 2,300 Russian words

The student will be able to communicate with native speakers in the following situations: in offices and departments; in shops, kiosks, at the cash desk; at the post office; at a bank, at a currency exchange office; in a restaurant, buffet, cafe, cafeteria; in the library; in the classroom; in the streets of the city, in transport; in the theater, museum, on excursions; at the clinic, at the doctor's, in the pharmacy; by phone, fax; in hotels; at the station, at the airport,

The student will be able to

  • in accordance with the norms of Russian speech etiquette, get to know someone, introduce him/herself or another person, say hello, say goodbye, contact someone, thank, apologize, respond to thanks and apologies, congratulate; initiate and maintain communication, change the topic (direction) of the conversation; to attract attention, ask to repeat, remind, end the conversation;
  • request and report information: ask a question or report on a fact or event, person, object, on the presence or absence of a person or object, on the quantity, quality, belonging of objects; about the action, time, place, reason and purpose of the action or event; about the possibility, necessity, probability, impossibility of the action;
  • express intention, desire, request (demand), wish, advice, offer, invitation, consent or disagreement, refusal, permission or prohibition, promise, uncertainty, doubt;
  • express attitude: to assess the person, subject, fact, event, act; express preference, condemnation, surprise, sympathy, regret,
  • be able to communicate verbally and in writing on the following topics: 1. Biography: childhood, study and work, interests. A family. 2. The choice of place of study or work, profession, etc.; 3. Education system: schools, colleges, institutes and universities in Russia and in the native country. 4. The role of foreign languages ​​in human life. Learning Russian. 5. Lifestyle (working hours, leisure, traditions, communication with colleagues and friends). 6. Free time. Leisure, interests, hobbies (art, sports, travel, etc.). 7. The city. The capital. Hometown. The city as a center of culture and tourism. Problems of the modern city. Life in the city and in the country. 8. Country. Russia. Its regions. Home country: geography, economics, culture, history, etc. 9. Famous figures of science and culture of Russia and native country. 10. Nature. Nature and man. Ecology.
  • read texts (900-1,000 words), understand the topic of the text, its main idea; understand the basic and additional information contained in the text, conclusions and assessments of the author.
  • write in Russian on the proposed topic (at least 20 sentences)
  • speak on a proposed topic (at least 20 phrases).

The modules are made to include the Russian vocabulary of the future major planned to take at a Russian university. Each of the modules includes more than 700 words from the field of the future specialty


The student will know the basic terminology of the chosen specialty in Russian, prepare to understand lectures in Russian, work at seminars, study special literature and communicate in the academic and professional field

The student will know:

  • basic syntactic constructions and language units used in the scientific style of speech;
  • lexical and grammatical compatibility of words;
  • features of the use of scientific terms;
  • how to use syntactic constructions of the scientific style of speech, make oral and written statements.

Each module “Scientific style of speech” contains:

  • a large amount of illustrative material;
  • audio recordings and video lectures;
  • interactive exercises for mastering vocabulary and grammatical constructions.

The student will:

  • learn the topics necessary for successful first-year university studies - theorems, rules and formulas expressing the basic relationships of elementary mathematics, basic concepts of the beginnings of mathematical analysis, etc.;
  • master the methods of solving and studying the main types of equations and inequalities;
  • be able to formulate the studied theorems and rules in Russian, use mathematical terminology and symbolism; to formulate definitions (or give descriptions) of the basic concepts of the studied sections of elementary mathematics, vector algebra and mathematical analysis, explain in Russian and write down solutions using mathematical terms and symbols.

The student will:

  • study mechanics, molecular physics and thermodynamics, electricity and magnetism in Russian;
  • be able to apply terms and concepts in Russian;

The student will be able to:

  • apply basic concepts of the studied branches of physics;
  • apply the laws of physics to solve typical problems;
  • formulate the conditions of tasks in Russian, explain and write down solutions;
  • solve computational problems requiring knowledge and skills from various branches of physics and mathematics.

The student will learn:

  • basic concepts and laws of chemistry;
  • general importance scientific and chemical terms;
  • atomic molecular theory; electronic structure of atoms; periodic law and structure of the periodic system of chemical elements; main types of inorganic substances and their chemical properties and methods of preparation; basic laws of chemical reactions; basic concepts of chemistry of solutions, theory of electrolytic dissociation; basic concepts.  

The student will be able to:

  • use chemical terminology and symbolism, formulate definitions of basic concepts of the studied sections of chemistry in Russian;
  • make equations of reactions of transformation of substances of various classes based on their chemical properties;
  • solve problems, write formulas and reaction equations.

The student will learn:

  • important definitions (descriptions) of the basic concepts of computer science;
  • names and functionality of the main computer parts; principles of information storage, information units;
  • Operating Systems;
  • structure of the file system for storing information;
  • main types of software and their purpose;
  • main objects in a text editor and processing methods;

The student will be able to:

  • use terminology in Russian and symbols of computer science;
  • formulate in Russian definitions (descriptions) of the studied basic concepts of computer science;
  • explain the functional purpose of the main parts of the computer; - navigate the main operating systems and file storage system;
  • navigate the main types of software (text editor, graphic editor, spreadsheets, presentations, etc.);
  • process information.

The subject "Social Studies" is the basis for the subsequent study of the humanities. It introduces the basic concepts of social sciences, political systems and economic models, gives a general description of the social structure of society and the main social institutions.

The student will learn:

  • basic terminology of social science in Russian;
  • trends in society development, the most important social institutions;
  • interaction of man and society, social institutions, society and the environment;
  • public relations regulation, social norms, legal regulation mechanisms.

The student will be able to:

  • talk in Russian about the main social objects, highlight their essential features and patterns of development;
  • work with sources of sociological and historical information (maps, reference books);
  • talk in Russian about social phenomena, understand the interconnectedness and interdependence of the phenomena of economics, politics, culture and art.

The student will know:

  • periods in the history of Russia;
  • main events and dates of Russian history;
  • prominent Russian and Soviet figures and their role in the development of the state.

The student will be able to:

  • understand the scientific terminology of history in Russian;
  • tell about historical events from the ancient Russian state to modern Russia,
  • show on a map the territories where the most important historical events for Russia took place,
  • use the acquired knowledge in Russian.

The student will receive knowledge of fiction as a form of art and its significance; literary criticism as a science of literature; folklore as oral poetic creation; old Russian literature; Russian literature of the 18-20 centuries. The student will study the life and creative paths of A.S. Pushkin, M. Yu. Lermontov, N.V. Gogol, I.S. Turgenev, L.N. Tolstoy, F.M.Dostoevsky, A.P. Chekhov, will be able to use literary terminology in Russian, convey the main content of prose and poetic works.

The student will learn:

  • several interesting topics from zoology: about the simplest animals, invertebrates, chordates;
  • main topics on human anatomy and physiology;
  • how to describe in Russian the cardiovascular, digestive, nervous and other systems of the human body.

The student will be able to:

  • understand and use important general scientific and biological terms;
  • characterize in Russian life forms and the diversity of species of living organisms.

The student will learn about:

  • the geography of Russia;
  • its megacities;
  • the peoples inhabiting the Russian Federation;
  • the main holidays of Russia, traditions of the Russian people;
  • the capital of Russia - the city of Moscow, its historical and cultural attractions.

The student will be able to take virtual excursions to the best museums in Moscow, get acquainted with the Peoples' Friendship University of Russia (RUDN University), its faculties, institutes, academy and campus, learn interesting facts about the life of RUDN multinational student team from 157 countries of the world.

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19 Jun 2020
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