7 mistakes in communication of young specialists: the founder of Communications School Rise Up speaks about effective business communication

7 mistakes in communication of young specialists: the founder of Communications School Rise Up speaks about effective business communication

April 8, How to find a common language with colleagues and management, what must be indicated in the resume when applying for a job, how to calculate the scenario of the situation and not to make a mistake – the founder of Communication School Rise Up Alena Kondratieva told all of these to the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences at the lecture “7 mistakes in communication of young specialists”.

University students and graduates while getting a job, often face the need not only to demonstrate their professional level, but also to find a common language with new colleagues and leaders. Not only personal relationships with colleagues often depend on the ability to build communications properly, but also work efficiency and the speed of moving up the career ladder. Expert Alena Kondratyeva identified 7 main communication errors of young specialists - self-presentation, inadequate self-assessment, lack of adaptation in the team, communication selfishness, lack of flexibility, silence on problems and inability to give and receive feedback.

The speaker gave several recommendations on the successful self-presentation of students to employers. Personal portfolio must necessarily reflect at least three roles of the candidate: person, professional, expert. As for solving problem situations, first of all it is necessary to develop the skill of timely determining the problem situation, its context, analyse and search for the most optimal solutions by setting up feedback channels and taking into account the objective and subjective factors of the microenvironment of the company.

Alena Kondratyeva told about the method of reverse thinking in professional life. Reverse thinking is a psychological phenomenon of action "from the reverse." What is needed to fail the task? The answer to this question forms a specialist's understanding of negative behavior and ways to prevent them.

The 4th year students of “Public administration” asked the guest questions relating to professional development, further employment and adaptation in the new team, as well as building relationships with colleagues and management. The most popular questions related to the specifics of the interview with the employer, competent resume writing, adaptation in the work team and building relationships with management. Alena Kondratyeva stressed the need to clearly define their own professional skills and competencies, to be able to present them to a potential employer, to constantly develop and improve their communication skills, since any work is first of all communication between people.

Communications School Rise Up is a Russian company specializing in the development of communication skills, tools and algorithms for building effective communication in professional work teams.

Tags: education