«Arab World and New Challenges. What Shall Economy Do?» Development perspectives of Russia and the Arab world discussed at RUDN

«Arab World and New Challenges. What Shall Economy Do?» Development perspectives of Russia and the Arab world discussed at RUDN

13 March, RUDN hosted an international conference «Arab World and New Challenges. What Shall Economy Do?», where more than 100 participants from Algeria, Bahrein, Egypt, Morocco, Iraq, Jordan and Russia discussed the economic situation in the Middle East and North Africa and the development of business cooperation between Russia and Arab world.

«After the events in the Middle East new leaders in a number of countries act more realistically and reasonably, for example in Egypt, where the President is modernizing the country», said V.Popov, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and coordinator of :Russia – Islamic world».

The conference was moderated by Raed Jaber, editorial director of Al-Hayat Moscow office and I.Aidrus, Director of RUDN IWEB Center for Arab research.

Among prospective cooperation fields – economics and investments, power engineering and agriculture.

Partners of the event: «RT» international information agency and the International Union of Economists with the support of the Embassy of the Arab League in the RF.

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