RUDN University invites the Ghanaian delegation to the leading agricultural enterprise of Tula

RUDN University invites the Ghanaian delegation to the leading agricultural enterprise of Tula

In August, a delegation from Ghana met with the Russian Union of Potato and Vegetable Producers, an industrial partner of RUDN University. Representatives of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly (Ghana), led by the mayor of Accra, visited the agricultural company “Virgin Alliance” in the Tula region. The excursion was organized by the Agricultural and Technological Institute of RUDN University.

Russian experts showed a biotechnological laboratory for clonal propagation of plants and production workshops for packaging finished products. Russian equipment operating in the fields, sorting shops and storage facilities aroused great interest.

The delegation of the Korle Klottey Municipal Assembly included:

  • Samuel James Nii Adjei Tawiah — Mayor of Accra, Head of the Assembly;
  • Emmanuel Basie — Assembly City Manager;
  • Francis Ebo Mensah — Presiding member of the Assembly;
  • Hans Bernard Nii Ofori Kee — Assembly Public Relations Officer.

Sergei Lupekhin, Chairman of the Union of Potato and Vegetable Producers and Elena Pakina, director of the agrobiotechnological department of RUDN University, introduced the guests to modern Russian technologies for the production of potatoes and grain crops.

After the excursion, the Ghanaian delegation, agricultural experts from the Bogoroditsky Alliance and scientists from RUDN ATI discussed ways to promote Russian agricultural technologies at the round table “Prospects for cooperation between Russia and Ghana in the field of agricultural technologies”. Special attention was paid to training personnel in the field of agriculture.

For reference:

You can read about “satellite tractors”, potato varieties for Lay’s chips and the success story of Bogoroditsky Alliance LLC on the website

Photos courtesy of Elena Pakina.

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