“We will be able to reach a new level of academic interaction...” RUDN University develops cooperation with universities of Uzbekistan

“We will be able to reach a new level of academic interaction...” RUDN University develops cooperation with universities of Uzbekistan

In August, experts from RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages visited Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov. They gave lectures and conducted master classes for colleagues and students.

Representatives of the Institute of Foreign Languages got acquainted with the peculiarities of the educational process, methods of teaching foreign languages in master’s and postgraduate courses. They also discussed further plans for cooperation in the field of intercultural communication, linguistics, education and modern languages.

“We are working on modernizing our educational programs in the theory and practice of foreign languages for master’s and postgraduate studies. To this end, we hope to continue professional and creative contacts with RUDN University,” Akmal Akhatov, Vice-Rector for International Cooperation of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov.

“Our cooperation in the field of science and education is extremely promising, and we will be able to reach a new level of academic interaction: the implementation of programs of inclusive learning, double diplomas and double scientific supervision in master’s and postgraduate studies, as well as holding joint international events. We are ready to share our innovative developments and ideas with our partner, Samarkand State University,” Natalya Sokolova, Director of the Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University.

Teachers from RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages gave lectures and master classes for the academic community of universities in Uzbekistan.

Olga Demina, Ph.D., senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, gave a series of lectures in French:

  • “Literary text in linguodidactic understanding” — using authentic texts, namely French-language fiction in foreign language practical classes.
  • “Reading as semantic perception/understanding of text” — main theoretical approaches to the study of reading.
  • “Digital technologies in the methodology of teaching literary texts in French” — modern information, communication and digital technologies combining text, graphics and video, speech and music in digital form.
  • “Techniques for reading literary texts in the original and artistic analysis” — the logical-cognitive aspect of the process of reading literary works, aimed at revealing the author-image-reader system.
  • “Francophone literature: problems and prospects” — the main feature of literature created in the language of “other people” — on the border of two languages, cultures and worlds.

“Without reading there is no real education, there cannot be any taste, any speech, or any multifaceted breadth of understanding. When reading, a person goes through centuries. A literary text is a non-exhaustive phenomenon, mediated by the functions of literature as the art of words. It performs an aesthetic function, drawing the reader into the coordinate system of the beauty of the literary word. Francophone literature provides an opportunity to immerse in the diversity of cultures and realities of the French-speaking world. It promotes intercultural dialogue, increases interest in interethnic interaction, enriches the worldview, and helps to understand global issues,” Olga Demina.

Margarita Myltseva, senior lecturer at the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, gave lectures and master classes in English to introduce innovative methods of teaching foreign languages in higher education:

  • “English is the main language of the training program of RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages” — discussing the practical course of the first foreign language, which is communicatively and professionally oriented.
  • “The modular teaching method as a tool for leveled mastery of monologue speech in English” — revealing the concept of the modular method and demonstrating the advantages of modular training as one of the most effective methods of practicing foreign languages.
  • “It’s time to start speaking English — using a system of interactive exercises” — introducing the methodology for preparing a speech for junior students in a foreign language (English) using the example of a round table.
  • “Features of teaching English using modern educational platforms (using the example of the multi-level course CLOSE UP)” — discussing the multi-level course “Close-Up” — A2, B1, B1+, B2, C1, C2.“Features of teaching English using modern educational platforms (using the example of the multi-level course CLOSE UP)” — discussing the multi-level course “Close-Up” — A2, B1, B1+, B2, C1, C2.
  • “On — the — Spot Speech: Effective Ways of Training” — methodological techniques for teaching students to speak a foreign language (English).

“Intercultural professional communication presupposes that linguists have foreign language communicative competence, which implies fluency in all different types of speech activity and professional communication. The use of the modular method in teaching monologue speech to students involves strengthening the communicative and activity-based orientation of the educational process. For these purposes, modern methods of teaching foreign languages use a system of exercises such as work in pairs and groups, games and trainings, all of this ensuring the communicative and activity-based nature of learning. I have developed a system of interactive exercises for teaching speech in a foreign language. Preparatory exercises aimed at developing language and speech skills (visual and illustrative, photographic, graphic, multimedia material, as well as speech clichés) will help the teacher and students work with unprepared speech,” Margarita Myltseva.

Ivan Samokhin, Associate Professor of the Department of Theory and Practice of Foreign Languages, PhD of Philological Sciences, gave lectures on the methodology and technology of higher professional education, as well as reviewed specific forms of modern fiction:

  • “Distance Quadmester: a Variant of Blended Learning” — the listeners got acquainted with the author’s concept of “distance quadmester” in modern higher education in Russia and Uzbekistan. The best months for a “distance quadmester” are November and December, the worst are September and October.
  • “Extra-Short and No-Word Books: Art or Joke?” — participants learned about specific forms of modern fiction: “nanobooks” (literary form) and “void books” (void texts).

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