I am grateful to every teacher in my life: congratulations from RUDN Rector Oleg Yastrebov on Teacher’s Day

I am grateful to every teacher in my life: congratulations from RUDN Rector Oleg Yastrebov on Teacher’s Day

Being a teacher means giving yourself, your knowledge, strength, and time every day. It's not an easy task.

Dear teachers,

I am grateful to every teacher in my life: my teachers, my son’s teachers, my mentors and colleagues at Peoples’ Friendship University.

Being a teacher means giving yourself, your knowledge, strength, and time every day. It’s not an easy task. I wish you pleasing changes and relaxing holidays, grateful students and wise students’ parents, interesting colleagues and caring administrators.

May the stars align in your favor so that you can enjoy your challenging and, dare I say it, great work!

Happy holiday, dear teachers!

Oleg Yastrebov
Rector of RUDN University

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