RUDN is the first university in Russia to open the Multipurpose center

RUDN is the first university in Russia to open the Multipurpose center

RUDN University makes the educational environment more comfortable and makes 54 services for students and employees available in a single Multipurpose center. Now you can get all necessary documents in one place.

The Multipurpose center already serves over 145 people a day. It takes about 11 minutes to get a paper. This is the first project of this kind among Russian universities. The official opening took place on March 15.

THE FIRST UNIVERSITY Multipurpose center

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia is optimizing processes for students and staff not to waste time at the passport office, commercial, student personnel, accounting and many other departments.

You can get any documents — from a duplicate of a student ID to a voluntary medical insurance policy or study contract in a single Multipurpose center of RUDN University.


There are 54 services available at the RUDN University Multipurpose center. Download RUDN mobile application from the AppStore or GooglePlay and make appointments or check out documents.

Download RUDN University mobile app in  AppStore / GooglePlay
Log in via corporate mail: login and password
Select section "Services" - "Multipurpose center"
Choose a service, check out the list of documents
Choose a convenient day and time, make an appointment

You can also come directly to the Multipurpose center and order what you need on the computers there.


Even the 11 minutes that a visitor spends at the Multipurpose center should be comfortable and inspiring. Therefore, the interior matters.

RUDN Multipurpose center is
Stylish: pop-art design
Comfortable: 1,300 m2 with waiting areas
Convenient: 54 services - in one place
Professional: 41 specialists at your service
Fast: 11 minutes for an answer

A small but creative team worked on the design, searching for styles, preparing layouts, making illuminated decorations and furniture, and painting walls.


Since March 1, RUDN Multipurpose center has been already providing 47 services to 145 people a day in test mode. An average visitor now takes 6 minutes to wait and 5 minutes to receive an answer or document. It is planned that in 2021, the number of services will increase to 54, and in August the number of visitors may increase significantly after the 1st-year students admission.

Come and see that RUDN Multipurpose center is really fast, convenient and beautiful right now — since March 15, RUDN Multipurpose center has opened officially.


  • from Monday to Friday — 9:00 am — 7:00 pm
  • Saturday — 10:00 am — 3:00 pm

RUDN Multipurpose center services 

  1. Primary registration (citizens of the Russian Federation): issuance of a certificate of registration documents acceptance; issuance of a certificate of registration at the place of stay.

  2. Prolongation of registration (citizens of the Russian Federation): issuance of a certificate of registration documents acceptance; issuance of a certificate of registration at the place of stay.
  3. Re-issuance of the lost registration certificate (citizens of the Russian Federation).
  4. Primary migration registration (stateless persons from visa-free countries): issuance of a certificate of acceptance of migration registration documents; issuance of a detachable section of the arrival notification form.
  5. Prolongation of migration registration (stateless persons from visa-free countries): issuance of a certificate of acceptance of migration registration documents; issuance of a detachable section of the arrival notification form.
  6. Re-issuance of the lost detachable section of the arrival notification form of a foreign citizen.
  7. Filling out an application for migration registration.
  8. Issuance of a certificate confirming registration at the place of stay.
  9. Consulting on re-issue of a migration card (CIS citizens from visa-free countries).
  10. Primary migration registration (stateless persons from visa countries): issuance of a certificate of acceptance of migration registration documents; issuance of a detachable section of the arrival notification form.
  11. Prolongation of migration registration (stateless persons from visa countries): issuance of a certificate of acceptance of migration registration documents; issuance of a detachable section of the arrival notification form.
  12. Primary migration registration (labor migrants): issuance of a certificate of acceptance of migration registration documents; issuance of a detachable section of the arrival notification form.
  13. Prolongation of migration registration (labor migrants): issuance of a certificate of acceptance of migration registration documents; issuance of a detachable section of the arrival notification form.
  14. Registration of migration documents for children of foreign citizens and stateless persons from countries with a visa regime.
  15. Visa support for foreign citizens and stateless persons from countries with a visa regime who have arrived to study at RUDN University.
  16. Reception of documents, preparation of a new package of documents for foreign citizens and stateless persons from countries with a visa regime after changing the status: obtaining a temporary residence permit (RVP); obtaining a residence permit; obtaining refugee status; obtaining temporary asylum certificate; change of citizenship (not RF).
  17. Issuance of certificates on the legality of temporary stay in the Russian Federation of foreign citizens from visa countries (upon request).
  18. Re-issuance of the lost documents (foreign citizens or stateless persons from visa countries).
  19. Processing visas in the Obruchevsky district Ministry of the Interior department for migration.
  20. Migration registration of foreign citizens who arrived to study at RUDN for a short period (summer and winter schools).
  21. Issuance of study contracts of higher education programs.
  22. Issuance of a contract for training in higher education programs when students are re-enrolled or transferred from another university.
  23. Issuance of a supplementary agreement to the contract for training in higher education programs.
  24. Issuance of a set of documents to pay for tuition using maternity capital.
  25. Issuance of a set of documents for tax deduction.
  26. Issuance of certified copies: licenses for educational activities; certificates of state accreditation; education contracts; licenses to carry out medical activities.
  27. Issuance of tuition fee certificate.
  28. Issuance of a copy of the study agreement if the original is lost.
  29. Consulting on payment for tuition and accommodation (on issues of invoices generated on the electronic resources of the University).
  30. Issuance of enrollment certificate.
  31. Issuance of enrollment certificate (in English).
  32. Issuance of an extract from the personnel order.
  33. Issuance of student documentation duplicates.
  34. Administrative support of transfer to the University from other universities.
  35. Issuance of a certificate of full state support.
  36. Acceptance of documents for reimbursement of funds spent on travel (the service is available for certain categories of students).
  37. Issuance of RUDN dormitory accommodation agreement.
  38. Issuance of a medical care contract.
  39. Issuance of a voluntary medical insurance policy.
  40. Introducing student’s new personal data to the University databases.
  41. Issuance of duplicate certificates of postgraduate students / residents.
  42. Issuance of a copy of the referral for training of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (foreign citizens studying on a budgetary basis).
  43. Advising on RUDN University campus cards.
  44. Issuing an invoice to pay a fine for a lost book.
  45. Acceptance of an application for an archival enrollment/training certificate and its subsequent issuance.
  46. ​​Acceptance of an application for an archival certificate confirming the fact of registration at the place of stay, and its subsequent issuance.
  47. Acceptance of an application for a certificate of the amount of the stipend and other accruals (request form No. 2) and its subsequent issuance.
  48. Acceptance of an application for a certificate of the amount of the stipend and other accruals (in the form of a table) and its subsequent issuance.
  49. Acceptance of an application for a certificate of absence of stipend and other payments and its subsequent issuance.
  50. Acceptance of an application for a maternity grant certificate and its subsequent issuance.
  51. Acceptance of an application for a certificate of granting (not granting) parental leave till the baby is 18 (36) months old and its subsequent issuance.
  52. Acceptance of an application for issuing a certificate of granting (not granting) maternity leave and its subsequent issuance.
  53. Issuance of a certificate confirming the right of a student to military deferral.
  54. Military registration at the temporary place of stay of students (citizens of the Russian Federation).

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