RUDN University in the second semester, 2020-2021 academic year

RUDN University in the second semester, 2020-2021 academic year

RUDN has resumed full-time training in compliance with the recommendations of Rospotrebnadzor.

RUDN University students and staff are personally liable for violation of the requirements of Rospotrebnadzor and the measures taken at RUDN University.


  • Remote format has been extended for university employees over 65 years of age, people with diseases, the list of which is determined by the Moscow City Health Department. Exception is for employees whose presence in the workplace is critical to the functioning of the university.
  • If necessary, managers have the right to transfer some of the employees to a remote work format.
  • RUDN University holds mass events with max. 50 people.
  • Teachers and tutors monitor mask regime during classes.

Access control and sanitary and anti-epidemiological requirements at the entrance to RUDN University buildings


  • Entering and staying in the buildings of the university is allowed only wearing masks. At the entrance, body temperature is monitored. You are not allowed to enter if you refuse to have your temperature measured. If the body temperature is above 37.0 degrees, the person is sent to RUDN Medical center to emergency room No. 112. If the body temperature is above 37.5 degrees, an ambulance is called. There is a separate isolated room for waiting for doctors
  • To avoid queues at the entrance and exit of the university, additional exits are open (check navigation).
  • Dispensers with antiseptics are installed at the entrance and in the halls of the university buildings.

Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the prevention of coronavirus infection in University buildings


  • Public areas have markings to ensure social distance.
  • RUDN University volunteers make sure people observe social distance and wear masks in canteens, libraries and co-working spaces.
  • RUDN University volunteers patrol educational buildings to control wearing masks by students and employees. Should people violate mask regime, the student card number / full name of the employee is recorded and sent to the disciplinary commission of RUDN University for the application of disciplinary measures.
  • After the third violation of mask regime at the university, the student is expelled from RUDN University.
  • To avoid queues in front of offices visitors should make a prior appointment.
  • Study books in RUDN University library is given out according to the schedule.
  • In the building in Ordzhonikidze Street, the Medical Aid Office is organized.

Regular sanitary and epidemiological measures at RUDN University:


  • Daily wet and weekly general cleaning and disinfection measures.
  • At least once every 4 hours (during breaks), all contact surfaces are disinfected.
  • Between shifts premises are sanitized.

Identifying persons with signs of infectious diseases among students and university staff


  • The heads of structural divisions ensure daily health monitoring of the employees of the division, including the presence of fever, runny nose and cough (ARVI symptoms). If people with the above signs are identified, they are immediately suspended from work.
  • Monitoring of students’ health is carried out by the dean’s office / directorate. Students with identified signs of ARVI are suspended from classes.
  • Students and employees with signs of ARVI are immediately sent to emergency room No. 112 of RUDN Medical center, or to another medical institution of their choice.
  • Students living on campus, upon confirmation of coronavirus disease, are moved to isolated floors of Dormitory No. 15.
  • Everyone can measure body temperature at any time at the entrances to the university buildings.

Rules of conduct for students at the university


Students are required to comply with the following requirements:

  1. Wear masks or respirators completely covering the nose and mouth. You cannot use other items like scarves for respiratory protection instead of masks (respirators);
  2. Students may not wear masks at creative classes;
  3. You cannot refuse from measuring body temperature in the buildings of the University;
  4. If a student has signs of acute respiratory viral infections (fever and / or runny nose, and / or cough, as well as other signs of poor health), he/she should stay at the place of residence, and write an e-mail to the tutor for educational work in the educational subdivision;
  5. Observe social distance in the buildings of the University — at least 1.5 meters when in public places.

Getting back to RUDN dorms
RUDN students are supposed to inform specialists of the Department of Comprehensive Services for Residents of Campus Directorate about their return to the dorm one day before arrival (send an email at corporate address).

Email addresses:

Dorm #


Email address


Astemir Zhurtov


Danil Oleinikov


Alexy Khipkhenov


Sergey Spiridonov


Elena Kirilova


Sergey Kirilov


Sergey Kirilov


Aleksander Shvetsov


Roman Parshin


Stanislav Strykov


Marina Simbara


Yury Vernigora


Igor Sementsov


Magomed Bazghiev

Student reception

Visiting the Department of Comprehensive Services for Residents is only by previous appointment to avoid lines and keep social distance.

Call for appointment:

+7 (495) 787-38-03 ext. 1149
+7 903 133-48-47

What to do if a student is diagnosed with Covid-19:


If a student is diagnosed with Covid-19:


  • students of his/her study group go on a 2-weeks’ quarantine starting from the day of contact with the above student,
  • students are not allowed to attend face-to-face classes, as well as stay in the territory of the university, except students living in dorms.

Students who have been in contact with the sick student are allowed to resume face-to-face classes after 14 days of quarantine.

Tutors ensure everyday monitoring of presence/absence of the students at face-to-face classes.

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