Experts of RUDN Joint Institute for Chemical Research make a presentation at the Petromass 2018 in Slovenia

Experts of RUDN Joint Institute for Chemical Research make a presentation at the Petromass 2018 in Slovenia

15 - 18 April, 2018, the 11th International Conference on the Application of Mass Spectrometry in Petrochemicals, Analysis of the Environment and Food was held in Bled, Slovenia. Petromass 2018 is one of the most important events devoted to the current state of the development of analytical approaches to detection and detection of components of ultrasolid natural matrices.

Today no modern high-tech area can do without mass spectrometry: chemistry, physics, biology, medicine, pharmaceutics, geology, ecology, geography, criminalistics, oil refining, energy, antiterrorism, food and drink quality control, doping -control, space and nuclear research, nanotechnology and defense, etc. Thanks to mass spectrometry, new branches of knowledge have emerged and are rapidly developing: genomics, proteomics, genetic engineering, petroleum, huminomics and metabolomics. Mass-spectrometric express diagnostics of oncological, cardiovascular, genetic diseases is universally introduced in the clinics of developed countries.

This year the conference has gathered more than 100 researchers from the United States, France, Colombia, China, India, Serbia, and Germany who made more than 90 presentations: Prof. A.Marshall (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, USA), Prof. K. Stojanović (University of Belgrade, Serbia), Prof. R.Zimmermann (Joint Mass Spectrometry Centre of the University of Rostock and Helmholtz Zentrum, Germany), C.Gonzalez (National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA),  Prof. E.E. Stashenko (Universidad Industrial de Santander, Columbia), Prof. A.Piram (Aix Marseille University, France), А.-М. Delort (Université Clermont Auvergne, France), V.Artaev (LECO Corporation), H.P.Nytoft (GEUS) etc.
Experts of RUDN Joint Institute for Chemical Research of the PFUR and A.V. Topchiev Institute of RAS jointly presented the report "In-source derivatization of alcohols for fast profiling of steroles in food by DART-MS" describing the processes of formation of derivatives with a fixed charge in the ionization source of the DART mass spectrometer and the possibility of using this effect for the analysis of alcohols in various matrices. In the second report "Post-Chromatographic Decomposition for TLC / MALDI analysis”. researchers considered the possibility of using derivatization approaches for the analysis of alcohols by the TLC / MALDI method.

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