Leading researchers of the world meet at the International conference «Analytical and computational methods in the probability theory and its applications»

Leading researchers of the world meet at the International conference «Analytical and computational methods in the probability theory and its applications»

23 - 27 October, 2017, RUDN and Lomonosov MSU hosted an international conference «Analytical and Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications - ACMPT-2017» dedicated to the 90th anniversary of Alexander Solovyov, prominent Russian mathematician who made a great contribution to the elaboration of reliability theory and waiting lines theorymathematical methods.

200 participantsfrom 27 countries (Russia, Latvia, Canada, Sweden, Great Britain, USA, Poland, Belorussia, Germany, Brazil. India, Finland, Hungary, France, Israel, Hong-Kong, Japan and Ukraine) discussed modern and future lines of research  in different areas of theoretic and applied probability theory in 4 sections:

I. Analytical Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications

II. Computational Methods in Probability Theory and its Applications

III. Asymptotic Methods

IV. History of Mathematics

On the agenda – plenary meetings, the matic sections and round tables.

The collection of 147 articles out of 173 submitted papers will be published by Springer publishing agency (Lecture Notes in Computer Science series, Volume 10684) and indexed in ISI Conference Proceedings Citation Index, Scopus, WoS (Web of Science), EI Engineering Index, Google Scholar, DBLP, etc.

The event has been organized by Lomonosov MSU and RUDN University under the auspices of Moscow Mathematical Society  with the support of “5-100” Project and information support of Gnedenko-Forum.

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