About RUDN
04 Aug 2016
Cooperation with Chinese universities. RUDN University participates in the creation of the Union of journalistic education of Chinese and Russian HEIs

The creation of the Union was announced in July at Chinese People’s University at the Forum of humanitarian and social sciences 2016: Journalistic education and mass media development in China and Russia. 

About RUDN
02 Aug 2016
RUDN IWEB “Advertising and PR” educational program got accredited by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR)

August 2, RUDN IWEB “Advertising and PR” educational program got accredited by the Association of Communication Agencies of Russia (ACAR).

About RUDN
28 Jul 2016
ROSCOSMOS and RUDN University. Cooperation agreement

July 28, 2016, Roscosmos state corporation and RUDN University signed an agreement on long term strategic cooperation. 

About RUDN
27 Jul 2016
Shanghai Cooperation Organization University. RUDN University delegation finishes business meetings in Beijing

July 27, SCO experts on cooperation in education finished meetings in SCO Secretariat, Beijing. The Russian delegation comprising officials of the RF Ministry of education and science and RUDN University dtaff members took an active part in the work of the expert group.

About RUDN
26 Jul 2016
Cooperation with the National Autonomous University of Mexico. RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages negotiates joint research and education

RUDN Institute of Foreign Languages and National Autonomous University of Mexico discussed joint cooperation directions including general strategy in the field of science and education. 

About RUDN
25 Jul 2016
RUDN sharpshooter from Mongolia at the Junior World Championship

Haliun Dorzhsuren, the pride of RUDN Law Institute, double champion of Asia, the member of Mongolian team and the national team of Russia in rifle shooting has become the winner of the Junior World Championship in shooting! 

23 Jul 2016
From the university theory - to work practice

On October 27, the session "Universities and Business: Mutually Beneficial Cooperation in Key Areas of Activity" was held, bringing together representatives of Russian universities and companies, as well as experts from Lebanon, Madagascar, Panama, Finland, Ecuador, South Africa and other countries.

About RUDN
23 Jul 2016
Miss Construction Team fashion show

July, 22. The most daring and charming girls participated in the contest for the title of Miss Construction Team 2016. This year the girls from Bolivia, Guinea-Bissau, Mongolia, Russia and the Democratic Republic of the Congo took part in the final.

About RUDN
22 Jul 2016
QS World University Rankings on BRICS countries published

Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) ranked 250 universities of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) – RUDN University enters Top-100 being number 99.  BRICS rating is based on the analysis of 250 leading universities of the 5 countries. Russia is number 2 after China on the number of universities in Top-250.

About RUDN
21 Jul 2016
More than 100 participants from 20 African countries

 July 19, African Association students Day - 2016 in RUDN University.

This has been a long tradition – bring together friends of the university, representatives of African embassies in the RF, public organizations and of course RUDN graduates.

About RUDN
20 Jul 2016
RUDN took 15th place in the National ratings of universities, parameter "Research"

RUDN took 15th place in the rating of the National University in the parameter "Research". 

About RUDN
19 Jul 2016
Farmer from Africa, banker from Dominican Republic and prison psychologist from South Korea. RUDN University entrants on their plans for the future

RUDN University is welcoming new entrants from all over the world. They all come with dreams and aims they have shared with us.