About RUDN
25 Mar 2016
RUDN University to host conference on Cultural-pragmatic aspects of media texts as an object of linguistics

The International research and practice conference on Cultural-pragmatic aspects of media texts as an object of linguistics will bring together leaders in the field of journalism & mass-media  for a comprehensive overview of this rapidly expanding area of research and development. The Conference will be held in Moscow from April 28-29, 2016 at the faculty of Philology of the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia.

About RUDN
25 Mar 2016
The visit of Dr. Iohannis Gitas, Prof. of the Soloniki University after Aristotle (Greece) to the RUDN Agrarian Technological Institute (ATI)

On March 13-17 2016 Dr. Iohannis Gitas, Prof. of the Soloniki University after Aristotle (Greece), famous specialist in the area of the remote sensing visited the RUDN Agrarian Technological Institute (ATI). The visit took place in the frameworks of the Cooperation Agreement between the RUDN Agrarian Technological Institute and the Soloniki University after Aristotle and the Working program of cooperation between RUDN Agrarian Technological Institute and the Faculty of agriculture, forestry and natural resources of the University after Aristotle.

About RUDN
23 Mar 2016
The G200 Youth Forum

The G200 Youth Forum (6 April — 10 April 2016, Garmisch Partenkirchen, Germany) is one of the largest international events organized for the youth from around 200 countries in 2016, and over 500 young leaders, students and academics, representatives of the business world and parliaments participate in it.

About RUDN
22 Mar 2016
World water day

World water day will be cherished on March 22nd at the Ecological Faculty. Let’s save oceans together!

About RUDN
21 Mar 2016
Current trends of branding in the tourism industry

March, 21st Professors and students of the Institute of Hospitality Business and Tourism will take part in the International seminar "Current trends of branding in the tourism industry on the example of foreign and Russian experience", which will be held by the Federal Agency for Tourism and UNWTO within the XI International tourism exhibition "ITM". Experts from the UK, Spain, the Netherlands and Russia will address to all the participants.

About RUDN
20 Mar 2016
RUDN University competitiveness increase program

RUDN team with the support of Nice University Sophia Antipolis at the meeting of the Council of increasing competitiveness of leading RF universities among leading research-educational centers presented a plan of events to realize competitiveness increase program.

About RUDN
19 Mar 2016
Study in Russia project for international students

5-100 project office is launching a new site to attract foreigners to Russian universities. It is a site for foreign entrants and their parents and has all the necessary information of the possibilities to study in the best Russian HEIs.

About RUDN
18 Mar 2016
Associate professor I.Gudkova won in the competition for the RF President’s grant

I.Gudkova, associate professor of the Department of applied informatics and probability theory won in the competition for the RF President’s grant to young researchers and postgraduate students- 2016/2018 in the nomination “Strategic information technologies including creation of super computers and elaboration of software”.

About RUDN
18 Mar 2016
Conference "The World Economy in the 21st Century: Global Challenges and Prospects" is open

March 30, the most pressing issues of the global economy will be raised by students, teachers and experts at the conference "The World Economy in the 21st Century: Global Challenges and Prospects" organized by the Institute for World Economics and Business

About RUDN
17 Mar 2016
Professor of Boston College Philip G. Altbach: “Knowledge is a global product”

An expert in the field of higher education Philip G. Altbach gave a lecture to RUDN University " University Innovation — The Special Sauce: Building and Maintaining Research Universities"

According to the expert, the whole system of higher education is in a world revolution. Competition among universities increases due to the diversity of educational programs and services. Professor Altbach stressed that the best Russian universities can join world-class universities. There is no a textbook for Russian rectors, but main recommendations can be highlighted.

Professor Altbach advises to follow the "GoldenTrinity" of rules:

1. Engage talented youth and the most experienced teachers into the processes of developing universities.
2. Create optimum conditions for work, study and research. Be ready to invest a lot into it.
3. Search for new forms of integration of science and teaching into global space.

About RUDN
16 Mar 2016
Conference "Advertizing vector 2016: 10 years of innovations" is open

April 12-13, IWEB together with the Riga International School of Economics and Business Administration RISEBA invite you to attend the conference "Advertizing vector 2016: 10 years of innovations"
Individual authors as well as creative teams (no more than 3 persons) of students, young specialists and graduates in "Advertising", "Public Relations", "Design" and other related courses of specialized colleges and higher education institutions can participate in the creativity contest.
Apply here: 

About RUDN
10 Mar 2016
Relevant problems of natural history and environmental law.

March, 31th Conference "Relevant problems of natural history and environmental law" will be held at the Law Institute. Experts will discuss disadvantages of the law base of regulation in exploiting water and biological resources, in subsoil use and in special use of forests.