About RUDN
25 May 2012
International Education Conference in Turkey

For the second time, International Education Conference has taken place in Turkey with the official support of "The Association of International Educational Counselors of Turkey” known as UED. Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia has been represented by the Institute of Hotel Business and Touris

About RUDN
25 May 2012
UN program for indigenous peoples

On 21st of May 2012, the fellowship for Russian-speaking indigenous peoples in the UN system started. For the 6th consecutive year, the indigenous peoples fellowship is conducted at the RUDN University. This year, the fellowship is attended by representatives from Taimyr, Sakhalin, Kamchatka, Mordo

About RUDN
24 May 2012
2nd International conference “Internationalization imperatives”

The National Workforce Training Fund held the 2nd International conference entitled “Internationalization imperatives” on May 24th, 2012. The conference is being organized by the Russian Council for International affairs and the New Eurasia Foundation with the support of the Ministry of education an

About RUDN
22 May 2012
National Exhibition of Indian Students

The Opening ceremony of the National Exhibition of Indian Students’ Compatriots which took place in frame of the Week of Culture of Indian students of RUDN University held at a hall of the main building of the University on May, 18. The Exhibition was officially opened by the Head of Department for

About RUDN
22 May 2012
RUDN Rector meets Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India

On May, 18 Rector of the RUDN University V.M. Filippov had a meeting with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of India HE Mr Ajai Malhotra. During the meeting the issues on cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of India in sphere of education in gen

About RUDN
04 Apr 2012
New students from Saint Vincent and the Grenadines come to RUDN

On April 2nd 2012, Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia for the very first time ever welcome students from the sovereign state of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines located in the Caribbean Sea. The 10 prospective students, all enrolling under national auspices, are going to study at the Philologi

About RUDN
22 Feb 2012
Programme in Russian Studies for undergraduate students

Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia launches a programme in Russian Studies for undergraduate students Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia launches a programme in Russian Studies for undergraduate students. Interdisciplinary Bachelor programme in Russian Studies focuses on the language, li

About RUDN
27 Jan 2012
RUDN University - Moscow Summer School

A new educational project of RUDN University - Moscow Summer School - has just been launched! Moscow Summer School is an academic event organized every July and August by Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia. Each year Moscow Summer School will be hosting international students with the interest