Workshop "World Water Day"

Workshop "World Water Day"

2022 The event passed
21 Mar
Contact person
Eleonora Konovalova
About the event

21 March at 12:00 MSK

Established by the UN in 1993, World Water Day is held annually on March 22. This day emphasizes the importance of fresh water. Currently, 2.2 billion people do not have access to safe water. The Asia-Pacific region has the lowest water availability per capita, with a 30% increase in groundwater use in the region by 2050. Measures are needed to combat the global water crisis.

Groundwater is the theme for World Water Day 2022. Groundwater is water found underground in aquifers, which are geological formations of rocks, sand, and gravel that contain significant volumes of water. Almost all-liquid fresh water in the world is groundwater. About 40% of all water used for irrigation comes from aquifers.

The purpose of the round table is to highlight the diverse problems of water resources protection, in particular: inefficient water use, pollution, waste disposal and emissions of hazardous chemicals and materials, untreated wastewater; acquaintance with the regions most prone to problems of water shortage; analysis of existing technologies for water treatment and reuse; search for ways to solve the water crisis.


The participants of the round table will be 2nd year undergraduate students studying in the specialty 18.03.02 "Energy and resource-saving processes in chemical technology, petrochemistry and biotechnology" and 05.03.06 "Ecology and nature management". The program of the round table includes students' presentations in English, watching educational videos, and a discussion on the topic of the event.

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