Scientific seminar “On a damping problem for non-stationary control system with delay neutral type”

Scientific seminar “On a damping problem for non-stationary control system with delay neutral type”

2022 The event passed
22 Mar
Contact person
Victoria Liiko
+7 (495) 955-09-68
About the event

22 March at 12:00 MSK

On a damping problem for non-stationary control system with delay neutral type.

We consider the damping problem for control system with delay described by a system of neutral differential-difference equations with smooth matrix coefficients and several delays. We show the relationship between the variational problem for nonlocal functionals describing a multidimensional control system with delays and the corresponding boundary value problem for systems of differential-difference equations. We prove the existence and uniqueness of a generalized solution of the boundary value problem. We prove that smoothness of this solution may be violated on the interval and is preserved only on some subintervals.



Adkhamova, Amina Sh, Nikol'skii Mathematical Institute, RUDN.

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