Scientific seminar «Modern methods of plant resources research»

Scientific seminar «Modern methods of plant resources research»

2023 The event passed
20 Mar
Contact person
Parakhina Elena Aleksandrovna
About the event

20 March at 13.30 (Moscow time)

The scientific seminar «Modern methods of research of plant resources» is held in order to familiarize students with the methods of studying plant resources and involve them in scientific work. The seminar will discuss issues of ecology, integrated assessment by modern methods, use and protection of phytoresources, which are the most important renewable natural resources. The ability to manage plant resources is one of the main ones formed during training in the educational program Natural resource Management in the direction of Ecology and Environmental Management.

The head of the Laboratory of Plant Resources of the V.L. Komarov Botanical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences, PhD Natalia Petrova, will speak at the seminar. The Laboratory of Plant Resources of the BIN RAS is one of the leading laboratories in our country engaged in the study of useful properties, component composition and biological activity, factors of raw material productivity and issues of protection of wild plants. This event takes place within the framework of the permanent seminar «Modern problems of geoecology».


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