Seminar “How ephapticity communication can explain brain complexity?”

Seminar “How ephapticity communication can explain brain complexity?”

2023 The event passed
28 Dec
Contact person
Mozokhina Anastasiia
About the event

On 28 December at 18:00 p.m. (Moscow time)

A seminar on mathematical modeling in biology and medicine “How ephapticity communication can explain brain complexity?” will be held at RUDN University.

Speaker: Gustavo Zampier, Associate Professor; Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte; School of Science and Technology.

What is the origin of the high brain complexity that explains the deep intricacies and refined levels of cognitive integration in the brain to form, for example, memory and consciousness? Recent neuroscience research has sparked excitement, asking how the brain generates highly complex dynamics, emergent patterns, and sophisticated oscillation signals. In this engaging context, our study, in line with contemporary research, boldly posits that ephaptic communication may emerge as a prime candidate for illuminating neuronal complexity. Using a small-word network neural model, this essay enthusiastically clarifies that ephaptic coupling significantly amplifies complexity under specific conditions, considering variables such as time scale and synaptic strength. These outputs offer exciting new insights into the balance of nervous system communications and underscore the fundamental role of ephapticity in orchestrating complex brain functions. Consequently, lasties researchers fervently contribute to advancing a deeper understanding of the intricate and complex dynamics inherent in brain activities.


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