Seminar “Topical Issues of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Management of Developing the Human Resources of Society (Social Management)”

Seminar “Topical Issues of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Management of Developing the Human Resources of Society (Social Management)”

2024 The event passed
18 Jan
Online / Miklukho-Maklay st., 9/4
Contact person
Karavanova Ludmila
About the event

On 18 January at 15:00 p.m. (Moscow time)

A scientific and methodological seminar “Topical Issues of Social Pedagogy, Psychology and Management of Developing the Human Resources of Society (Social Management)” will be held at RUDN University.

Topic: Cultural foundations of the content of textbooks”.

Speaker: Larisa Elnitskaya, candidate of pedagogical sciences, teacher of additional education, teacher of English and German languages at the department of “Psychological and pedagogical education” of the Institute of Foreign Languages of the RUDN University.

In the speech, Larisa Elnitskaya will draw attention to the role of foreign language textbooks in the formation of students’ knowledge and ideas about events and phenomena of the surrounding reality, about themselves and their place in life.

The speaker presents the results of analytical conceptualization of the theoretical support of interdisciplinary research. The work is aimed at cultural linguistics studying of a linguistic image of a man in a school textbook. The theoretical constants are defined as a semantic unity of the philosophy of language, cultural linguistics, cognitive linguistic and pedagogical semiology. There are substantial dominants for tool exploring the linguistic image of a man in a school textbook from the point of view of methodology of interdisciplinary research in the sphere of education.

Seminar language: English.

Everyone is invited to this meeting!


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