Seminar “German and Russian Neo-Kantianism”

Seminar “German and Russian Neo-Kantianism”

2024 The event passed
25 Jan
Contact person
Lebedeva Anastasia
About the event

We are pleased to inform you that on January 25 at 1 PM Italy time there will be a workshop, hosting Professor Pierfrancesco Fiorato, at the University of Parma (Italy).

Topic: “Denken — durch den Zusammenhang bedingt. Über das Theorem einer Kontinuität der Denkmotive in Hermann Cohens Logik des Ursprungs”.

Under the title “Denken — durch den Zusammenhang bedingt. Über das Theorem einer Kontinuität der Denkmotive in Hermann Cohens Logik des Ursprungs”, mine is an attempt to approach the difficult problem of the relation between origin and continuity in Cohen’s philosophy through a series of detours that primarily concern aesthetics and history. In this way, the section of the “Logic of Pure Cognition” devoted to the judgments of the laws of thought is expanded in its implications, which cannot be reduced to the horizon of the mathematical science of nature.

Language of presentation: German.


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