Conference with International Participation “CURRENT ISSUES IN MODERN LINGUISTICS AND HUMANITIES”

Conference with International Participation “CURRENT ISSUES IN MODERN LINGUISTICS AND HUMANITIES”

2024 The event passed
21 - 22 Mar
Contact person
Natalia S. Erokhova
About the event

About the event

Conference Organizers: Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN (Russia), Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Lomonosov University (Russia), Higher Institute of Languages in Tunis of the University of Carthage (Tunisia), Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (Kazakhstan), Erzia International Art Foundation (Russia), National Association for Applied Linguistics (NAAL) — Association Internationale de Linguistique Appliquée/ International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA), Federal State University of Education.

Goal of the Conference

Bring together leading researchers in the field of Linguistics and related Humanities to exchange opinions concerning the evolution of Modern Languages and Linguistics in the context of the development of interdisciplinary approaches to the issues of the intercultural linguistic communication.

List of Main Issues to Be Discussed:

  1. Linguistics and Modern Languages;
  2. Intercultural Communication;
  3. Translation, Translation Studies, Interpreting;
  4. Selected Topics in General and Specific Linguistics in Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective;
  5. Linguistics and the Humanities — Interdisciplinary Approaches in Research and Teaching;
  6. Social and Psycholinguistics;
  7. Neuropsycholinguistics — Current State and Prospects for Development;
  8. ChatGPT as a Language Teacher: Personalized Learning Experiences and Adaptive Feedback in Linguistic Education.

Special francophone session of the student scientific group of the Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN University on the French language, culture and science of francophone countries “Motherland. Francophonie. Youth”

Ravinder Gargash — Professor, PhD, Head of the Department of English of Samarkand State University named after Sharof Rashidov, Immediate Past President of the Asian Association of Teachers of English AsiaTEFL (India/ Uzbekistan)
Theme: Intercultural Communicative Competence and the teaching of English language

Natalya A. Akhrenova — Doctor of Philology, Associate Professor, State University of Education, Professor of the Institute of Foreign Languages, RUDN University (Russia)
Theme: A.S. Pushkin is our everything or a code that cannot be cracked

Irina V. Miatlushka — PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Head of the English Language Phonetics and Grammar Department, Minsk State Linguistic University (Belarus)
Theme: Linguistic and cognitive aspects of communication between a person and neural network characters in modern media

Alexey V. Kozulyaev — PhD in Pedagogy, Associate Professor, RuFilms LLC Chief Officer, Head of the Audiovisual Translation School (Russia)
Theme: Aspects of transmedia in the interpretation of audiovisual content.

Conference languages: Russian, English, French.

Registration fee is 1500 rubles.
For graduate and postgraduate students — 750 rubles.
Payment deadline is March 21, 2024.

Registration Deadline: March 14, 2024!

Registration, submission of abstract/extended abstract, the anti-plagiarism verification, the fee payment must be submitted via the web-site:

Extended abstracts (2,000 words) are due by March 31, 2024

Conference Proceedings are indexed in the RSCI database. The editorial board reserves the right to competitive selection of abstracts and extended abstracts for publication.


The most interesting articles will be selected by the Conference Organizing Committee for publication in the Scientific journal “Proceedings of National Association of Applied Linguistics (NAAL)” which is included in peer-reviewed scientific publications of the Higher Attestation Commission (VAK) of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. For publication requirements, please follow the link:журнал/

Conference web-site:

We look forward for your participation in our conference!

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