“Smart and Sustainable Cities” (SSC-2024)

“Smart and Sustainable Cities” (SSC-2024)

2024 The event passed
3 - 5 Jul
Contact person
Maria Korneykova
About the event

Smart Urban Nature laboratory invites to take part in the 4rd international conference Smart and Sustainable Cities (SSC-2024), which will be held on July 03-05, 2024 at the Department of Landscape Design and Sustainable Ecosystems of the RUDN University. This year’s theme for the conference will be “Green Infrastructure and Climate Resilience”.

SSC is a regular conference organized every second year to discuss the recent problems, advanced technologies, and current opinions in urban sustainable development. Scientists and experts in the field of ecology, nature management, soil science, and sustainable development are invited to participate. The previous meetings provided an excellent discussion platform for a broad audience, including scientific and research community, municipal services, environmental protection agencies and stakeholders working in urban management and greenery. SSC-2024 conference will remain and strengthen the developed inter-disciplinary status of the meeting. The conference will be held in mixed format.

Conference working language: English, Russian.


  • Ricardo Valentini (UNITUS, Italy / RUDN University, Russia)
  • Maria Ignatieva (Humboldt University Berlin, Germany)
  • Ilya Zalivukhin (Yauza group, Russia)
  • Yakov Kuzyakov (Georg-August University Goettingen, Germany / PFUR, Russia)
  • Zhongqi (Joshua) Cheng (Brooklyn College of The City University of New York, USA)
  • Diana Dushkova (Helmholtz-Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ), Germany / PFUR, Russia)
  • Alexander Chernokulsky (A. M. Obukhov Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia)
  • Alexander Neaman (Universidad Austral de Chile/ PFUR, Russia)
  • Svetlana Bik (INFRAGREEN, Russia)



  • Green infrastructures for sustainable and healthy cities
  • Climate mitigation, adaptation and carbon neutrality
  • Soil and water management under global changes
  • Advances in environmental monitoring of urban and technogenic ecosystems
  • Biodiversity of urban soils and green infrastructures

Round tables

  • Science for practice: advanced technologies to monitor and manage urban green infrastructures
  • Megacities-2050: global trends and best practices in urban planning and sustainable development
  • Urban green infrastructure in mass-media: why and how?

Location: Agricultural and Technological Institute of RUDN (Hall No. 3, room 423) at the address Miklukho-Maklaya str., building 8, building 2.

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