Seminar “The pragmatic and semantic basis of the thematic cluster “Education” in modern English-language media discourse”

Seminar “The pragmatic and semantic basis of the thematic cluster “Education” in modern English-language media discourse”

2023 The event passed
20 Dec
Contact person
Guslyakova Alla
About the event

On 20 December at 15:00 p.m. (Moscow time)

A scientific seminar “The pragmatic and semantic basis of the thematic cluster ‘Education’ in modern English-language media discourse” will be held at RUDN University.

The interdepartmental scientific seminar “The pragmatic and semantic basis of the thematic cluster ‘Education’ in modern English-language media discourse” is aimed at introducing participants to the presentation of issues related to the educational sphere addressed in the English-language media and the Internet.

Purpose of the event:

  • to present the results of a study devoted to the pragmatic and semantic assessment of the thematic cluster “Education”, functioning in modern English-language media discourse.
  • to draw attention to the problem of studying the language of the media and the Internet (on the example of English-language media discourse), as an important link in the modern linguistic education of university students, as well as an effective tool for promoting humanities and natural sciences in the context of scientific and technological progress.


  • to introduce typical linguistic and extra-linguistic examples of the functioning of the thematic cluster “Education” in modern English-language media discourse.
  • to demonstrate a case study of interaction of university students with the English-language media discourse within the framework of the thematic cluster “Education”.

The participants are employees of the departments of foreign languages of various educational divisions of the RUDN University.


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