
The image of Russia in Vietnamese online newspaper (2001-2015)


Nguyen Thi Diu



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Aleksandr Grabelnikov

Dissertation research is devoted to scientific understanding of the image of Russia, held in the public opinion of the Vietnamese mass audience through online newspaper of Vietnam in the period of 2001-2015. The author generalizes prerequisites of development of the Russian-Vietnamese relations and their lighting in mass media of Vietnam from the point of view of current trends in studying the image signs; conducts retrospective analysis of the Russia’s image formed by Vietnamese books and press in the period 1924-2015; reveals historical stereotypes towards Russia, existing in Vietnamese society, determining the representation of the image of Russia in mass media; examines the characteristics of online journalism in Vietnam; conducts a comprehensive analysis of the image of Russia presented in the Vietnamese online newspaper in the period 2001-2015; analyses the topic, issue, genre, stylistic and linguistic features of publications in which topics about Russia played the main part; identifies the main trends in the formation of Russia’s image in the Vietnamese online media.

Image of Angola in the contemporary British Media


Campos Ivandro Artur Pires De



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Aleksandr Grabelnikov

This paper is a description of Angola’s image in the British media. In this study on the example of Angola is shown the place of the media in the modern structure of international society. This paper analyzes the features of formation of the image of Angola in publications in leading British media: The Guardian, The Times, The Independent, Financial Times, Reuters and The Daily Telegraph. The time frame of the study covers the period from June 1, 2013 on September 15, 2015 Data time frame due to the fact that it was during this period in the British media there was the greatest number of publications about Angola that helped to formulate the most relevant sample for our studies.

Actual problems of press of Kazakhstan (1991-2016)


Indira Mambetova



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Aleksandr Grabelnikov

The thesis research is devoted to the analysis of factors of Kazakh periodicals market transformation in the post-Soviet period, to identification of main issues in order to forecast trending for its further development and to search the most effective models of functioning. The main stages of the formation information market of the country, the current state of the national press market are considered in the thesis. Studied the problems which need to be addressed in order to optimize the press activities: involvement of the media, economic dependence on state orders, imperfect legal framework, the safety of journalists, problems of information sovereignty and information security of the country, language problems and noncompetitiveness of Kazakh press, newspapers and magazines circulation falling, the necessity of transformation of the paper publications into the convergent media. In the practical part of the thesis analyzes the content, genre and language characteristics of media texts, published in the leading Kazakh media.

Socially significant interregional television project in the aspect of the social functions of the television


Eugenia Dmitrenko



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

The thesis work is devoted to the specifics of creating socially significant television projects. The research is based on theoretical studies of social function of television as a basis for the creation of the television project, conceptual approaches of construction of the television project from the standpoint of social project development, typological characteristics of social interaction between the television and the audience in the television project, as well as it is based on the practical experience in the implementation of television projects for federal and regional Russian TV channels. The study first described the concept of creating interregional television project as a multi-component structure, with socially significant ideology, involving many types of communications that increase the level of social interaction between the television and the audience; it identified structural and meaningful specificity of socially significant television project; socially significant television project is presented as innovative creative development in the television system with its own specific characteristics, which is based on informative, organizational, socioeducational and integrative functions; the study made linguistic analysis of media texts of the television project in the aspect of cultural and educational function. The practical significance of the thesis is actualized by introducing for scientific use the following concepts: socially significant television project, the concept of the television project, media component of the television project, off-air component of the television project, on-air part of the television project.

The media image of Turkey in the Russian mass media: peculiarities of forming the image


Aydogan Hakan Ceyhan



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

Dissertation research is devoted to scientific understanding of the image of Turkey formed in public opinion mass Russian audience on the basis of information of the portrait in the Russian media. The paper discusses the peculiarities and essential characteristics of information portrait of Turkey in the aspect of their influence on forming the country's image in the Russian media, and the role of the Turkish media as a "soft power influence", and the value of the ad hoc joint projects of Russian and Turkish journalism. The author explores the cultural, civilizational and socio-political background of the formation of Turkey's image in the Russian media; analysing the topic, issue, genre-stylistic and linguistic characteristics of the network and paper publications on Turkey in special applications media of Russia; reveals the leading characteristics of the image of Turkey formed in the Russian media; determines the main advantages of forming the image of Iraq in special applications popular periodicals. The results of the research findings that Turkey's image in the network is not enough strong Foundation, and is based on a cursory view of the information flow and diverse genre palette of language and imagery allow the application paper "Arguments and facts. Turkey" to perform not only informative, but many other journalistic functions: cultural, educational, entertaining but most importantly – the formation of public opinion. Such materials create a favorable trust environment, which forms a stable positive image of Turkey

Reflection of the Russian-Chinese relations in Russian language media of China on 2006-2016 (image of China)


Shao Devan



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

The dissertation research is devoted to features of formation of an image of China on pages of Russian-language Chinese media in the journalistic publications devoted to the Russian-Chinese relations during 2006 - 2016. The author generalizes prerequisites of development of the Russian-Chinese relations and their lighting in media of China from the point of view of current trends in studying the image signs; analyzes the main tendencies in functioning of texts of the network print media; reveals the features of illumination of the Russian-Chinese relations in Russian-language media of the People's Republic of China connected with similar approaches in the choice of language means in the Russian and Chinese journalism; defines the important language means and stylistic receptions characteristic of illumination of the Russian-Chinese relations in Russian-language Chinese media in aspect of their image appeal and the importance. As a result the author comes to a conclusion that the journalistic publications of Russian-language media of China lighting it relationship with Russia disclose important lines of an image of China and by means of special the image properties, language means and stylistic receptions form his attractive image characteristics.

Evolution of mass media and new media in modern Bangladesh- a turning point of the century and prompt potential development


MD. Abdul Kabil Khan



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

The thesis contributes and explores the historical stages of the development of traditional mass media and new media at the turn of new centuries in Bangladesh as well as apparently creates a new breakthrough in the sphere of journalism, characterizing and portraying vividly the users’ relationship & engagement to the regional media. It emphatically reviews the state of journalism education, identifies the obvious challenges faced by higher education institutions in the country offering "journalism" education. Furthermore, special attention is paid to the theoretical functions and practical workflows of mass media in the Internet, including social media and mobile platforms. The author thoroughly analyses the formation and process of development of online mass media in the country. The accomplished results and conclusions of the research have enormous important implications for presentation in the form of recommendations or instructions that enhance the efficacy of professional work and outstanding hands-on experience quality of media workers in Bangladesh in accordance with the requirements of modern converged newsroom. The principal points and illation of the thesis can be employed and executed in the development of academic programs & lectures on journalism courses. The thesis comprises of introduction, 3 chapters, conclusion, bibliography and appendix.

Reflection of banking crises in the media category (substantive, stylistic and genre features)


Petr Muzikant



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

The thesis is devoted to the specifics of reflection of banking crisis in the media category (substantive, stylistic and genre features). The study reveals the relationship of language in media banking segment with media consumption, specified genre and stylistic diversity of banking segment media texts, identifies the means of linguistic expression and stylistic features of the title, and lead as a tool for effective communication. The author defines the importance of semantic core of banking media segment lexicon as well as affecting the image component of the bank, the motivation of consumers and expand the customer base of financial institutions. The practical significance of the work is determined by the author's scientific development. The results of this study will explore the process of banking crisis reflection in the media not in isolation but in conjunction with the communication policy of publishing houses, which are depended of banking advertising.

Conceptualization of media image it-girl in Russian media space glossy magazines


Tikhon Sesonov



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

Dissertation research is devoted to scientific understanding of the characteristics of media image that fall in the Russian cultural space through borrowed under license from glossy magazines and adapting to the Russian reality, it is not only the translators of the values and rules of conduct in society, but also new mediaconcepts Russian news media. The paper summarizes a large theoretical material on the problem of the functioning of glossy magazines in Russia; proposed classification of female media image in their development and current status in Russia and abroad; identified their gender preconditions for the formation of conceptual characteristics; the notion of the media concept on the example of a media image of it-girl. According to the author, gender and history-cultural conditionality adaptation of licensed magazines in contemporary Russian media suggest that in the process of joining the Russian media foreign media image of the it-girl has successfully adapted to the needs and values of the Russian mass audience and converted to the new media concept with the necessary set of essential characteristics and a certain force of impact.

Allied mass media as tool of information policy of the union state of Russia and Belarus (1999-2014)


Sergey Popov



Year of defence


Scientific guidance

Viktor Barabash

Dissertation research is devoted to scientific understanding of the characteristics of the formation, development and functioning of media systems of the Union State of Russia and Belarus in terms of its effectiveness information policy and the formation state of the image. The paper discusses the characteristics, problems and prospects of information support of joint activities of Russia and Belarus in the format of the Union state, the necessity of development and introduction of qualitatively new approaches to media coverage of the activities of the Union State of Russia and Belarus, the formation of its positive image while maintaining the traditions and continuity of generations. The author reveals the specifics of the state media in the aspect of formation of country image and conducting information policy; determines originality of media activities and implementation of information policy in the formation of a Union State of Russia and Belarus; develops conceptual basis of the new information policy as the main instrument for creating a positive image of the Union state; formulates principles of information support of the Union media of the formation and functioning of the Union State of Russia and Belarus in the situation of forming a single communicative oriented media space.