Head of the Department of Internal Medicine Propaedeutics, Institute of Medicine of RUDN University, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor
Structural unit: Institute of Medicine.
The laboratory of non-invasive cardiovascular ultrasound diagnostics and hemodynamic studies was established at the Department of Propaedeutics of Internal Diseases. In addition to scientific research, it is possible to train students, residents, Ph.D. degree seekers and improve the level of training of specialists and trainees of advanced training courses on the basis of modern equipment.
Field of use of laboratory instruments:
Examination of patients with arterial hypertension, acute and chronic heart failure, various forms of coronary heart disease, liver cirrhosis, chronic kidney disease, as well as patients suffering from other cardiovascular diseases and healthy volunteers within the main scientific directions of the department.
- Study of the processes of inflammation and fibrosis in remodeling left ventricular myocardium in patients with myocardial hypertrophy of various origins (arterial hypertension, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy) and the possibilities of pharmacological action with the use of different classes of drugs.
- Study of remodeling of the cardiovascular system and kidneys in order to optimize therapeutic tactics and monitor the effectiveness and safety of treatment.
- Study of cardiorenal, cardio-hepatic relations in the clinic of internal diseases.
- Study of hepatopoietic interaction in patients with chronic liver disease.
- Evaluation of the role of liver fibroscans in non-invasive fibrosis diagnosis in cardiologic patients.
Treatment of arterial hypertension with innovative methods.
Non-invasive methods of vascular bed research in clinical practice.
Effective strategies for controlling blood pressure in real clinical practice.

Moscow, Russia