1st International scientific practical conference “Russian language online: identity, community, communication, culture”

1st International scientific practical conference “Russian language online: identity, community, communication, culture”

8-9 February 2017 RUDN University with the support of the International Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literature held the 1st International scientific practical conference “Russian language online: identity, community, communication, culture”.

The conference was attended by over 300 people, including 113 foreign participants from Afghanistan, Algeria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Vietnam, Georgia, the Dominican Republic, Egypt, India, Spain, Italy, Cyprus, Kyrgyzstan, China, Mongolia, Poland, Bashkortostan, Kazakhstan, Romania, Senegal, Syria, Slovakia, Sudan, Thailand, Tunisia, Turkmenistan, Turkey, Czech Republic, South Korea, Jamaica and etc.

In Proceedings of the conference consisted of 91 reports, 34 of them — from foreign participants of the conference.

In total, the conference was attended by 43 universities, 14 of them — foreign: for example, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo, the University of Warsaw 366 QS World University Rankings, University of Granada (Spain) 501-550 QS World University Rankings, Donetsk National Technical University, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (ENU) 345 QS World University Rankings, Issyk-Kul State University, Karadeniz Technical University (Turkey), Milan State University 370 QS World University Rankings, The National University of Mongolia, Taras Shevchenko Transnistria State University, Pusan National University 451-460 QS World University Rankings, Russian School of Paphos (Cyprus) and etc.

During the conference were discussed important scientific-practical and methodological issues of the implementation of scientific research and practical activities in this thematic areas: the functioning of the Russian language in the Internet, the mass communications in the media area, information technology in learning and teaching russian language and literature, problems of the information and linguistic security, media culture and literature in the information society, the psychological aspects of virtual interaction between the individual and society. Moderators sections noted the high level of the reports, the interest of students, the presence of a lively discussion after each presentation, friendly atmosphere and the significance of such events.

During the conference were organized postgraduate courses “Modern approaches in teaching Russian as a foreign language in the conditions is learning the language environment”.

The conference, in the opinion of participants, has become an important and timely event for philologists, linguists, journalists, teachers trials, literature, cultural studies, psychology, as well as all who are interested in the functioning of the Russian language on the Internet. Events Conference and become a representative platform for the discussion of topical issues today functioning of the Russian language on the Internet, helped to improve professional knowledge and skills of students in this area.

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