Participation in the conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in San Diego, California, USA

Participation in the conference of the International Communication Association (ICA) in San Diego, California, USA

Associate professor of RUDN University department of foreign languages ( Philological faculty) E.B. Ponomarenko participated in work of the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice"which took place on May 25-29, 2017 in San Diego, the USA.

Associate professor of RUDN University department of foreign languages ( Philological faculty) E.B. Ponomarenko participated in work of the 67th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association "Interventions: Communication Research and Practice"which took place on May 25-29, 2017 in San Diego, the USA.

More than 2500 thousand scientists from 80 countries of the world participated in the work of that conference. E. B. Ponomarenko presented report "Russia’s Experience in the Global Media Space: Current State and Development Prospects»

The International Communication Association (ICA) is an academic association for scholars interested in the study, teaching and application of all aspects of human and mediated communication.It began its history more than 60 years ago as a small organization of U.S. researchers and now is truly international organization with more than 4500 members from over 85 countries.

30 Jan 2018
The conference on international arbitration, where law students from European universities simulate court proceedings and alternately defend the interests of the respondent and the orator.
Research and Innovative Activity View all
30 Dec 2020
In 2017, RUDN University scientists constructed a new explicit second-order precision difference scheme using modern computer algebra methods for 2-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations (NSE) [1]. This year, our mathematicians used a new scheme [2] to construct a numerical solution to the Cauchy problem with initial data (for t=0) as satisfying the continuity equation. Scientists managed to achieve previously unattainable accuracy of the continuity equation.
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