International Congress of Scientists – 2017
During 05-07 July in RUDN University was organized «International Congress of Scientists - 2017». The program of the Congress included reports of leading Russian and foreign scientists (Dr. Prof. Chun-Chin Hsu Chaoyang University of Technology, Dr. Prof. Ken Devos Monash University, Dr. Prof.Mohamad Awang University Malaysia Terengganu and many others). Also it should be noted separately that not only experienced and leading Russian and foreign professors took part in the Congress, but also young scientists - graduate students, doctoral students and researchers.
The largest number of scientists participated in the section «International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Environmental Sciences», where they had an opportunity to present their papers dedicated to a wide range of problems: the use of modified high-strength concrete in monolithic construction, computer simulation of large-span structures, the study of the strength characteristics of glued joints of glued wooden structures, the design of hydraulic structures and etc.
The reports of the section «International Conference on Economics, Management and Social Sciences» were devoted to the formation of the human capital assets of the organization, as well as the influence of national culture on entrepreneurial activities.
In the framework of the section «International Conference on Fundamental and Applied Sciences» were discussed such issues as the development of innovative power supplies for remote consumption, logical and functional systems for managing dynamic objects and many others.
«International Congress of Scientists - 2017»was organized and held in the framework of the RUDN University Competitiveness Enhancement Program “5-100”.
About 200 participants from Russia and 20 countries met at the National Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar with International Participation “Law in Medicine. Medicine in Law: Points of Contact”. The subject was “Happy Motherhood: unsolved problems of obstetrics, gynaecology and perinatology”.
The collection consists of two volumes and includes biographical information about Russian demographers and their scientific research. The first volume is devoted to the research of the Pre-Revolutionary period, the second to the works of the Soviet era and the present.
For the first time, RUDN University hosted an International Scientific and Practical Conference on Space Law, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Gennady Zhukov. The conference was attended by scientists from 12 countries - Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and Russia.
About 200 participants from Russia and 20 countries met at the National Interdisciplinary Scientific Seminar with International Participation “Law in Medicine. Medicine in Law: Points of Contact”. The subject was “Happy Motherhood: unsolved problems of obstetrics, gynaecology and perinatology”.
The collection consists of two volumes and includes biographical information about Russian demographers and their scientific research. The first volume is devoted to the research of the Pre-Revolutionary period, the second to the works of the Soviet era and the present.
For the first time, RUDN University hosted an International Scientific and Practical Conference on Space Law, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Professor Gennady Zhukov. The conference was attended by scientists from 12 countries - Argentina, Belarus, Brazil, Germany, Greece, India, Iran, China, Côte d'Ivoire, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and Russia.