RUDN University delegation visited The University of Havana

RUDN University delegation visited The University of Havana

From November 18 to 26, 2017, RUDN University delegation, Director of the Agrarian Technological Institute Plyushchikov V.G. and the head of the laboratory Nozhevnik M. was with a working visit in the Republic of Cuba.

From November 18 to 26, 2017, RUDN University delegation, Director of the Agrarian Technological Institute Plyushchikov V.G. and the head of the laboratory Nozhevnik M. was with a working visit in the Republic of Cuba.

The delegation held a number of meetings and negotiations with the leadership of the Agrarian University of Havana. The rector of the University Taboada Zamora Adianez participated in the negotiations. During the negotiations were discussed the main tasks of the educational and scientific cooperation: the implementation of the Work Program signed earlier by both parties on the basis of the current Agreement on Cooperation between RUDN University and the Agrarian University of Havana. The Cuban side promote the development of the professor’s and student’s mobility, the implementation of the program of student and post-graduate exchanges, internships on the basis of mutual coordination of specialties. The Agrarian University of Havana is ready to accept the professors of the Agrarian Technological Institute for lecturing, reading courses and seminars on tropical agricultural disciplines in Spanish or in English.

Rector of the University Taboada Zamora Adianez brought up for discussion and consideration the issue of the opening of the Russian Language Center based on the Agrarian University of Havana.

One of the results of the negotiations was the signing of the Agreement on the opening of the RUDN University profile class at Agrarian University in Havana.

In addition, RUDN University representatives participated in the International Agro-Industrial Congress «Agrociencias-2017», which was attended by more than 350 people from twenty countries. Within the framework of the Congress, they attended at the exhibition-presentation of the RUDN University together with the Agrarian University of Havana.

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Michele Pagano is a graduate of the University of Pisa, a leading scientist, the author of more than 200 publications in international journals, and a participant in many international research projects
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