RUDN University delegation visited University of San Carlos of Guatemala and the National University of Panama

RUDN University delegation visited University of San Carlos of Guatemala and the National University of Panama

Director of the Agrarian-Technological Institute Plyushchikov V.G. and the specialist of the sector for international cooperation of Agrarian-Technological Institute, M. Nozhevnik visited The Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC, University of San Carlos of Guatemala) and the National University of Panama in the delegation of RUDN University, headed by the vice-rector for international activitiy Efremova L.I.

Director of the Agrarian-Technological Institute Plyushchikov V.G. and the specialist of the sector for international cooperation of Agrarian-Technological Institute, M. Nozhevnik visited The Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala (USAC, University of San Carlos of Guatemala) and the National University of Panama in the delegation of RUDN University, headed by the vice-rector for international activitiy Efremova L.I.

On the 22 of January was signed the Cooperation Agreement in areas of Science and Education between the RUDN University and the Central National Agricultural School ENKA (the Republic of Guatemala).

Cooperation will consist of:

  • Student exchange
  • Joint research in the field of agronomy (agrobiotechnology, plant protection) and veterinary medicine
  • Exchange of teachers
  • Exchange of information and publications
  • Participation in conferences and seminars

The representatives of RUDN University also held the Open Olympiad in biology to select the candidates for study in the bachelor's degree at the Agrarian - Technological Institute. This Olympiad attended 267 people.

On the 22 of January was also signed the Cooperation Agreement between the RUDN University and the University of San Carlos (the Republic of Guatemala).

After the signing of the Agreement, were held negotiations with the leadership of the Faculty of Agronomy and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Zootechnics.

With these faculties were signed the Working Programs on cooperation for a three-year term – 2018-2021 The following activities are envisaged:

  • Academic exchange
  • Organization of the courses and seminars on the disciplines of tropical agriculture: agronomy, plant protection, agrobiotechnology
  • Development and implementation of student and postgraduate exchange programs
  • Training on the basis of mutual coordination of specialties
  • Joint research in the field of agronomy, plant protection, agrobiotechnology, geospatial sciences and technology
  • holding joint scientific conferences and seminars, including on-line
  • The exchange of educational literature and manuals in the areas of cooperation

On the 26 of January at the University of Panama, were held negotiations with the leadership of the Agrarian Faculty and the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine. The leadership of RUDN University Agrarian-Technological Institute signed a working program on cooperation between the ATI and the Agrarian Faculty of the University of Panama for 3 years. With the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, the Working Program will be signed later, after its discussion at the Academic Council Faculty.

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RUDN University scientists publish results of their scientific researches in highly-recognized in whole world and indexed in international databases journals (Web of Science, Scopus ect.). That, of course, corresponds to the high status of the University and its international recognition. Publications of June-September 2017 ( In Journals of categories Q1-Q3)
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