RUDN University Participation in the 3rd International Conference on Building Materials and Construction (ICBMC 2018) in Nha Trang (Vietnam)

On the 23-25 of February, representatives of the RUDN University Department of Architecture and Construction of the Engineering Academy, consisting of 3 people (the fifth year student of the Bachelor's degree in Architecture, Lidiya Natali Somarriba Sokolova (Nicaragua), the full-time PhD student Jean Paul Vladimir (Haiti) and the associate professor Rynkovskaya M.I.) participated in the international scientific conference "3rd International Conference on Building Materials and Construction (ICBMC 2018)" in Nha Trang (Vietnam) and successfully delivered 4 reports. Within the framework of the conference there were 5 sections:
- Civil and Structural Engineering
- Architecture and Urban Planning
- Materials Science and Engineering
- Materials Properties, Measuring Methods and Applications
- Materials Manufacturing and Processing
It was interesting to learn from the plenary report of Professor Low Sui Pheng (National University of Singapore (QS13) that in Singapore the technology of building modular buildings was actively developing, the report of Professor Jin-Keun Kim from Korea Advanced Insitute of Sciences and Technology (KAIST, QS41) was about serious research of building structures, including the mechanical properties of concrete, depending on the distribution of moisture in it, in Korea.
Associate Professor Rynkovskaya M.I. presented 2 reports that aroused the interest of the plenary lecturer from Macau, Professor Zongjin Li (University of Macau), who proposed to discuss the possibility of joint research on BRICS-supported projects.
A Center for Green Diplomacy was created based on the RUDN Institute of Environmental Engineering. Among the goals is the integration of the results of scientific and practical activities into the development of international relations in the environmental sphere. The center's specialists will also accompany the corporate sector in solving various environmental problems.
RUDN summarized the results of the scientific competition "Project Start: work of the science club ". Students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences have created a project for a managed queuing system using a neural network to redistribute resources between 5G segments. How to increase flexibility, make the network fast and inexpensive and reach more users — tell Gebrial Ibram Esam Zekri ("Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology", Master's degree, II course) and Ksenia Leontieva ("Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", Master's degree, I course).
A Center for Green Diplomacy was created based on the RUDN Institute of Environmental Engineering. Among the goals is the integration of the results of scientific and practical activities into the development of international relations in the environmental sphere. The center's specialists will also accompany the corporate sector in solving various environmental problems.
RUDN summarized the results of the scientific competition "Project Start: work of the science club ". Students of the Faculty of Physics, Mathematics and Natural Sciences have created a project for a managed queuing system using a neural network to redistribute resources between 5G segments. How to increase flexibility, make the network fast and inexpensive and reach more users — tell Gebrial Ibram Esam Zekri ("Fundamental Computer Science and Information Technology", Master's degree, II course) and Ksenia Leontieva ("Applied Mathematics and Computer Science", Master's degree, I course).