The teacher of RUDN University Political Economy Department Anna Verenikina attended the 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM 2018)

The teacher of RUDN University Political Economy Department Anna Verenikina attended the 7th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management (ICITM 2018)

On the 7 – 9 of March the 7th International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Management ICITM 2018 was held in one of the oldest colleges of Oxford University, St. Anne's College.

On the 7 — 9 of March the 7th International Conference of Industrial Technologies and Management ICITM 2018 was held in one of the oldest colleges of Oxford University, St. Anne’s College.

International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management is headed by the prestigious International Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IEEE, which has 423,000 participants in 160 countries. The results of the conference automatically include into the scientific databases of Ei Compendex, the Elsevier research catalog on engineering and to the Scopus database.

This year participants of the 7-th International Conference on Industrial Technology and Management discussed e-commerce, engineering economics and cost analysis, intelligent production systems and information processing in the workplace. One of 80 reports at the ICITM 2018 was the presentation of the lecturer of the Department of Political Economy Anna Verenikina on the management of environmental risks in terms of one of the largest Russian industrial companies — Rusal. Co-author of the report of Anna Verenikina was Professor of the American University of Columbus John Finley.

Many specialists recognize practice of Rusal on implementation of the environmental management system of the international standard ISO 14001 as the most successful in the Russian practice, where international environmental standards are often on the horizon of planning. The ecological infrastructure (commercial technologies and services for monitoring the air and water basin, eliminating the consequences of pollution and restoring ecosystems) and legislation are in a formative stage. Therefore, such giants as Rusal are working not only on their reputation in foreign markets, but also on changing the standards of domestic production.

Foreign participants of ICITM 2018 were especially interested in the issue of integrating the environmental management system into Industry 4.0 — a single concept of industrial production based on product lifecycle management and a smart manufacturing strategy involving the use of Internet: cloud computing and cybernetic systems.

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