X International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Linguistics and Humanities”

X International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Linguistics and Humanities”

On the 16 of March, the jubilee forum, X International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Linguistics and Humanities” was held at RUDN University Institute of Foreign Languages with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

On the 16 of March, the jubilee forum, X International Scientific Conference “Actual Problems of Modern Linguistics and Humanities” was held at RUDN University Institute of Foreign Languages with the support of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

Conference Organizers: Institute of Foreign Languages of RUDN (Russia), Faculty of Philology of Moscow State Lomonosov University (Russia), Institute for Strategy of Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education (Russia), University of Granada (Spain), Catholic University of Lille (France), Higher Institute of Languages in Tunis of the University of Carthage (Tunisia), Hellenic Cultural Centre (Greece).

The conference brought together representatives of scientific communities from almost 20 countries around the world. Among them - Great Britain, Spain, Greece, Italy, Germany, Bulgaria, Paraguay, Mauritania, Latvia, Moldova, China and several others. The delegations of researchers arrived from Tunisia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

Among the foreign participants of the conference were leading and highly recognized scientists from the universities from the list of the top 300 world universities in QS World Rankings. Among them: University of Reading (UK, QS 188); University of Granada (Spain), which is included in the 100 best universities of the world by subject rating «Linguistics»; Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (KazNU) (QS 236), also included in 150 leading universities on the subject rating “Modern Languages”; L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University (QS 336); Belarusian State University (QS 334), Moscow State University (Q S95), ranked 18th in the world in “Linguistics” and 26 in ModernLanguages, St. Petersburg State University (QS 240, QS 100 – “Linguistics”, “Modern Languages”), Moscow State Linguistic University (QS200 – “Modern Languages”), MGIMO (QS 373).

Main Discussed Issues of this scientific event:

  • Linguistics and Modern Languages;
  • Intercultural Communication;
  • Translation, Translation Studies, Interpreting;
  • Selected Topics in General and Specific Linguistics in Synchronic and Diachronic Perspective;
  • Linguistics and the Humanities – Interdisciplinary Approaches in Research and Teaching;
  • Social and Psycholinguistics;
  • Neuropsycholinguistics – Current State and Prospects for Development;
  • Linguistic Diplomacy

Key Speakers at the Plenary Session:

  • Suzanne Graham, Professor of Language and Education, Leader Research Division, University of Reading, Institute of Education, London (UK, QS 188).
  • Enrique F. Quero Gervilla, Dean and Professor at the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at Granada University (Spain).
  • Theodore Gannitsi, Candidate of historical sciences and Director of the Hellenic Cultural Centre (Greece).

Within the framework of the plenary secsion, key speakers representing the scientific elite of philologists, linguists, international specialists, teachers and psychologists delivered their speeches. These are the most quoted scientists with a worldwide name, their publications can be found in journals indexed in Russian (RINC) and international databases (WoS and Scopus).

How to combine scientific research, the implementation of working curricula and the practice of teaching foreign languages - these and many other problems were touched on in the report of the professor of language and education of the University of Reading Suzanne Graham, a specialist in the field of methodology and applied linguistics. On the example of her creative laboratory, Professor Suzanne Graham tried to show solutions without sacrificing teaching and research activities.

Professor, dean of the Faculty of Translation and Interpreting at the University of Granada, Enrique Federico Caro Herviglia, shared his findings on the compilation of an Spanish-Russian dictionary, where one of the central problems was the translation of the emotionally valued vocabulary of the Russian language.

Populism in the media discourse, the psychological aspects of the preparation of linguists, the linguistic and civilizational aspects of international relations, the language landscape of the city and the features of intercultural communication at nowadays are the subject of plenary lectures presented by Professor Moiseenko L.V., Moscow State Linguistic University, Theodore Gannitsi, Candidate of historical sciences and Director of the Hellenic Cultural Centre, Obolensky Yu.L. , Professor of Moscow State University

The conference also reflected one of the modern scientific trends of higher education - multilingualism.

The working languages of the conference were Russian, English, French, and Spanish.

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