All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Socially-oriented management in the context of globalization»

All-Russian scientific conference with international participation «Socially-oriented management in the context of globalization»

On the 5-6 April, 2018 the All-Russian Scientific Conference «Socially-oriented management in the conditions of globalization» was held at RUDN University Faculty of Economics. More than 90 people attended the conference - representatives of the scientific community, professors, students, graduate students and young scientists from different cities of Russia and abrod Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Moldova, Kyrgyzstan, China, Vietnam, Cuba and Latvia.

The partners of the conference were the St. Petersburg State Economic University, Saratov National Research University named after N.G. Chernyshevsky, Belgorod State National Research University.

The conference work was organized within three sections and three round tables: «Management in the organizations of the future», «Talent management», «Management of companies in the context of globalization», where participants were able to get the most current information on key concepts of economic and social development, transformation of approaches and models of company management in the context of globalization, strategies for the development of management systems in the conditions of the «new reality», the impact of the digitalization of the economy on the transformation of systems government, current approaches to human resource management and development of intellectual capital in modern organizations.

The main tasks announced within the framework of the conference were successfully implemented:

  • the analysis of a condition and the basic directions of development of the theory and practice of management;
  • problems of interaction between university science and business;
  • was determined the place and role of management in enhancing the efficiency of companies' functioning in the context of globalization;
  • were discussed the problems of introduction of innovative and digital technologies in the business environment and public administration,
  • were presented the results of the latest research in the theory and practice of management, economic and social sciences.
  • The conference brought together a sufficient number of participants and became a platform for the exchange of relevant ideas and experiences, as well as for holding scientific discussions on identifying and finding solutions to emerging challenges in the context of the globalization of the world economy.
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