II International Symposium «Russian Language in a Multicultural World»

II International Symposium «Russian Language in a Multicultural World»

From the 8 to 12 of June, 2018 in the city of Yalta in the frames of the XII International Festival «Great Russian Word» was held the II International Symposium «Russian language in a multicultural world».

As part of a group of professors from RUDN University (V.M. Shaklein, E.N. Remchukova, E.N. Strelchuk and T.V. Racheeva) the post-graduate student of the Department of General and Russian Linguistics V.A. Omelianenko also made a presentation «The country's image in national-oriented advertising».

The participants of the symposium discussed the place of the Russian language in the Slavic world, the European and world context: language contacts, the problems of studying and creating textbooks and dictionaries, the functioning of the Russian language in contemporary discourses of various types; linguistic and literary analysis of the artistic text, innovations in the Russian language, modern tendencies of onomastic research. A separate section was devoted to an associative experiment in the study of Russian consciousness. Great attention was paid to the teaching of Russian language and literature in secondary and higher schools, the organization of teaching Russian as a foreign language.

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