RUDN University master student of philology attended the International Student Conference «Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future»

RUDN University master student of philology attended the International Student Conference «Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future»

At the end of March (25.03 - 01.04) The International student conference «Univ Forum 2018: Rethinking the future» was held in Rome.

This conference is annual scientific event, since 1968. The organizers of the conference are: ICU (Instituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria), Fondazione Vincoli Romani, Universidad de Navarra, Pontificia Universitas Sanctae Crucis, Colegio Mayor Universitario Monterols, Universidad de Barcelona, Harambee Africa International Onlus.

The purpose of the conference is to analyze and define the concept of «future» in the context of modern culture.

This year work sections of the forum:

  1. Humanities
  2. Economy, law, politics
  3. Communications
  4. Art and architecture
  5. Science, medicine, education

The different forms of academic activities for students and young scientists were organized, in particular: Communications, Debate Competition, Social Initiative Forum. In 2018 students from more than 40 countries (more than 2,000 students and young scientists from around the world) attended this conference. Leading scientists and researchers held workshops for students: Jack Valero «Communicating efficiently the faith in a postmodern environment», Ignacio Vicens «The challenge of rethinking architecture», David Post «A change in the rules of the game», Kevin Majeres «Working towards interior freedom», Benedetto Ippolito «Philosophy, study of classics and the future of society», Anna Halpine «From person to act: transforming policy and culture for the human person»

The Master student of RUDN University Department of Foreign Languages (Faculty of Philology) Y.M. Druzhkov participated in this Forum, he also gave a presentation on «Rethinking the future: the anti-utopia of Strugatsky brothers» Hard to be a God» (section of the humanities).

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