International Educational Exhibition «China Education Expo - 2018»

On the 19 of October, Larisa Efremova, Vice-Rector for International Affairs of RUDN University, took part in the conference «Modernization of the Education System» and presented the Russian Federation during the plenary session. The section discussed the main problems and prospects for the development of national education systems in the context of international educational cooperation.
On the same day, professors of RUDN University took part in a working meeting of Russian universities in the Russian Cultural Center in Beijing. During the meeting, the results of the selection campaign of 2018-2019 for recruiting candidates for Russian universities at the expense of the federal budget and preliminary plans for starting selection work next year were discussed.
On the 20 of October, Larisa Efremova held a working meeting with the Liu Hong, Rector of Dalian University of Foreign Languages (DUFL). During the meeting, further issues of cooperation between RUDN University and DUFL in the framework of the SCO University, the implementation of joint training programs and the training of Chinese students in the Russian language were discussed.
On the 21 of October RUDN University together with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia and the Association of Chinese Alumni of RUDN University became the organizer of the round table «Higher Education in Russia». The roundtable was attended by representatives of Russian universities, as well as heads of recruiting companies for recruiting students from different provinces of China. During the meeting, each university had the opportunity to present its educational programs, conditions for learning and living to potential partners. In addition, representatives of universities met with the leading recruitment companies operating in the Chinese market, learned about the mechanisms of their work, discussed possible options for cooperation.
One of the results was also the signing of a cooperation agreement between the RUDN University and the Educational Association of International Exchanges of China. In just 3 days, the exhibition was visited by more than 60,000 people. Training opportunities at RUDN University have traditionally aroused great interest among Chinese applicants. Today, more than 550 students from China are studying at RUDN University.
From 19 to 23 November 2024, RUDN hosted the III International Scientific Conference ‘For the Sustainable Development of Civilisation: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology’. The event gathered more than 2000 participants from 72 countries.
530 applications, 90 young scientists from 30 countries. Darya Nazarova, a postgraduate student of RUDN Faculty of Economics, traveled 11,276 km from Moscow to Sao Paulo for the International Scientific School on Technological and Innovation Strategies and Economic Development Policy at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Darya Nazarova, a young RUDN scientist, writes about scientific research, rafting and the country of eternal carnival.
From 19 to 23 November 2024, RUDN hosted the III International Scientific Conference ‘For the Sustainable Development of Civilisation: Cooperation, Science, Education, Technology’. The event gathered more than 2000 participants from 72 countries.
530 applications, 90 young scientists from 30 countries. Darya Nazarova, a postgraduate student of RUDN Faculty of Economics, traveled 11,276 km from Moscow to Sao Paulo for the International Scientific School on Technological and Innovation Strategies and Economic Development Policy at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP). Darya Nazarova, a young RUDN scientist, writes about scientific research, rafting and the country of eternal carnival.